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Faction Portrait Name Level Race/Class Professions Secondaries Talent Specialization Guild Mounts Server Favorite Zone
Horde Crest N/A Kaneiac Achievement level 85.png IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Male
Paladin Paladin
Alchemy Alchemy, Illustrious Grand Master
Inv jewelcrafting gem 37.png Jewelcrafting, Illustrious Grand Master
INV Misc Food 15.png Cooking, Illustrious Grand Master
Spell Holy SealOfSacrifice.png First Aid, Illustrious Grand Master
Trade Fishing.png Fishing, Illustrious Grand Master
Spell holy holybolt.png Holy
Spell holy auraoflight.png Retribution
Handle It IconSmall Midnight.gif Fiery Warhorse's Reins
Ability mount razorscale.png Reins of the Rusted Proto-Drake
Tabard of the Lightbringer.jpg Silver Hand - US Achievement zone tanaris 01.png Uldum
WCOnH box.png This user has been playing since the beginning: Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.
Classic-Icon.png This user participated in the WoW Vanilla beta.
BC-Icon.png This user participated in The Burning Crusade beta.
Wrath-Icon.png This user participated in the Wrath of the Lich King beta.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
Ability parry.png This user is dedicated, but not hardcore.
Inv misc head dragon black.png This user prefers to PvE.
This user plays both Alliance and Horde, but prefers Alliance.
Aldor Tabard.jpg This user's character joined the Aldor.
Inv misc foot centaur.png This user is exalted with the 
Honor Hold Tabard.jpg This user is exalted with
Honor Hold.
Inv misc apexis crystal.png This user is exalted with
Ability hunter pet netherray.png This user is exalted with the 
Sha'tari Skyguard.
Ability Racial Ultravision.png This player has earned the title
Guardian of Cenarius.
IconSmall Human Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes paladin.png
This user plays as a human paladin.
IconSmall Orc Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes warlock.png
This user plays as an orc warlock.
Alchemy This user plays as a Alchemist / Jewelcrafter. Jewelcrafting
Inv sword 46.png This user plays as a DPS.
Achievement PVP A 05.png Kaneiac has earned the title
Alliance  [Sergeant Major] in the pre-2.0 honor system
Achievement boss ossiriantheunscarred.png This user's character has cleared the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.
Achievement boss hakkar.png This user's character has cleared the original Zul'Gurub raid.
Achievement boss ragnaros.png This user's character has cleared Molten Core.
Achievement boss nefarion.png This user's character has cleared Blackwing Lair.
Achievement boss onyxia.png This user's character has defeated the original Onyxia before her revamp.
Achievement boss prince malchezaar.png This user's character has cleared Karazhan.
Achievement boss gruulthedragonkiller.png This user's character has cleared Gruul's Lair.
Achievement boss magtheridon.png This user's character has cleared Magtheridon's Lair.
Achievement boss zuljin.png This user's character has cleared the original Zul'Aman raid.
Achievement Character Bloodelf Male.png This user's character has cleared Tempest Keep.
Achievement boss archimonde.png This user's character has cleared the Battle for Mount Hyjal.
Achievement boss illidan.png This user's character has cleared Black Temple.
Achievement boss kiljaedan.png This user's character has cleared the Sunwell Plateau.
Achievement dungeon naxxramas.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Naxxramas in Northrend.
Achievement dungeon naxxramas 25man.png This user's character has cleared 25-man Naxxramas in Northrend.
Achievement dungeon coablackdragonflight.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Obsidian Sanctum.
Achievement dungeon coablackdragonflight 10man.png This user's character has cleared the 25-man Obsidian Sanctum.
Spell frost frostbrand.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Vault of Archavon.
Spell frost frostbrand.png This user's character has cleared the 25-man Vault of Archavon.
Achievement dungeon nexusraid.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Eye of Eternity.
Achievement dungeon nexusraid 10man.png This user's character has cleared the 25-man Eye of Eternity.
Achievement dungeon ulduarraid misc 01.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Ulduar.
Achievement dungeon ulduarraid misc 01.png This user's character has downed 11 bosses in 25-man Ulduar.
Achievement reputation argentchampion.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Trial of the Crusader.
Achievement reputation argentchampion.png This user's character has cleared 25-man Trial of the Crusader.
Achievement reputation argentcrusader.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Trial of the Grand Crusader.
Achievement boss onyxia.png This user's character has cleared the revamped Onyxia.
Achievement boss lichking.png This user's character has downed 7 bosses in 10-man Icecrown Citadel.
Achievement dungeon frozenthrone.png This user's character has downed 5 bosses in 25-man Icecrown Citadel.
Ability Mount Dreadsteed.png This user's character has obtained Midnight.
Achievement bg masterofallbgs.png This user has earned the What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been achievement.