User:Joshmaul/Ordevaas Portalseeker/Beyond the Dark Portal

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Master Ordevaas Portalseeker in Outland
Ordevaas Portalseeker
IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifPaladin Blood Elf Paladin
Server: Medivh
Guild: annihilation association
Rank: Alt
Honor Rank: None
Talent Spec: Retribution
Professions: Mining 211
Jewelcrafting 213

This is a listing of all of the accomplishments of Ordevaas Portalseeker past level 58.

Portalseeker's Journey Ends: Travelling Beyond the Dark Portal

Ordevaas being shown around Shattrath by Khadgar's elemental servant

In the course of his duties, Ordevaas at last gained the strength needed to fulfill the destiny promised to his people by Prince Kael'thas - the destiny that awaited them beyond the skies of Azeroth.

Travelling from Lordaeron, Ordevaas arrived at the encampment at the foot of the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands, where Warlord Dar'toon awaited him. Dar'toon instructed him to speak with his counterpart, Lieutenant General Orion, who commanded the efforts on the other side of the Dark Portal, in the broken wastes of Hellfire Peninsula. Orion greeted the paladin warmly and sent him on his way to the town of Thrallmar, to speak with the troop commander, General Krakork. Krakork took Orion's missive and ordered Ordevaas to report to the commander of the base - Thrall's chief general, Nazgrel.

The primary foe to contend with in Hellfire Peninsula was, of course, the Burning Legion - the demonic army that had enslaved the orcs in decades past. Nazgrel ordered Ordevaas to report to Sergeant Shatterskull just outside of Thrallmar, who would then send him to the front lines to battle the Burning Legion's insidious agents, within spitting distance of the town. The Nathrezim dreadlords were conducting operations against Thrallmar, and Nazgrel ordered Ordevaas to put them down. This he did gladly; it turned out that his undead-slaying trinket, Scourgebane, also aided in battling against the demons of Outland as well.

The other major enemy of the Horde in Outland were the fel orcs - corrupted by powerful demonic magics. The Bonechewers were the closest threat to contend with, and probably the most repulsive. Ordevaas collected scattered bits of wood and metal to help build Thrallmar's defenses, as well as taking the blood of the Bonechewer orcs. Upon returning the blood samples, he was dispatched to send them to Apothecary Albreck at Spinebreaker Post, an outpost near the ruins of Zeth'Gor. Collecting samples of Bleeding Hollow Blood as well (and boiling them to remove the cursed taint), Albreck determined that the fel orcs of Outland were corrupted by the blood of a Pit Lord. He noted that it couldn't be Mannoroth - the beast who had been Archimonde's chief general had been dead for years - but the evidence pointed to a Pit Lord of Mannoroth's power.

With questions burning in his mind, Ordevaas travelled across Hellfire Peninsula into the forest of Terokkar...where he came upon the city of Shattrath.

In the Service of the Scryers

Upon his arrival, Ordevaas was approached by a haggard war veteran - a human who had served in the Alliance Expedition - and told to speak to A'dal, the master of Shattrath. Upon speaking to the naaru (with something of a contemptuous sneer on his face, as one of A'dal's comrades served as the source of his powers), a tall, white-bearded human spoke up to get his attention. In surprise, Ordevaas realized that the human was none other than the wizard Khadgar, who had led the Alliance Expedition to Draenor twenty years earlier.

Khadgar told Ordevaas not to burden A'dal with mundane questions (again, drawing a sneer from the Blood Knight), and summoned an elemental servant to give him a tour of the city. The servant explained all that had happened - that Shattrath had been the draenei capital until the orcs invaded, and how the Sha'tar had come to restore it. He also explained that a faction of blood elves known as the Scryers resided in the city. Ordevaas was horrified to find out that the Scryers were in fact defectors from Prince Kael'thas' legions, and had allied themselves with (rather than dominate) the Sha'tar. Dismayed - but unwilling to stoop to allying with draenei, for whom his race held a particular contempt - Ordevaas allied himself with the Scryers.

Training of the Master: A Summons from Lady Liadrin

Kneeling before Lady Liadrin, the Matriarch of the Blood Knights

Returning to Silvermoon for a brief moment, Ordevaas was approached by Knight-Lord Bloodvalor, who informed him that Lady Liadrin - the Matriarch of the Blood Knights - had sent summons for him. Ordevaas' exploits in Azeroth had reached Liadrin's attention, and she sought to train him to become a Master of the Blood Knight Order, earning the right to ride a Thalassian charger and wear the black-and-red tabard of the Order. Before she would consent to begin his training, however, she required a gesture of commitment. M'uru, the naaru whose powers were drained to feed the Blood Knights' energies, had attempted to escape - and in the process was severely draining the resources of Magister Astalor Bloodsworn and his mages. Liadrin gave Ordevaas a list of items required by the Magister to maintain control of the captive naaru, which he gathered quickly and without complaint. Afterwards, requiring a demonstration of his loyalty, Liadrin sent him to fight a familiar foe - the Scourge.

Outside Tyr's Hand

On his way to Silvermoon from Lordaeron, Ordevaas had observed a large encampment of skeletons along the road that led into Quel'Thalas. He suspected - rightly, as Liadrin later told him - that the Scourge was preparing to renew its offensive in Quel'Thalas, and had sent these siege engineers and their meat wagons to begin it. In order to advance his training, Ordevaas had to destroy the engineers and their machines - which he did with gusto. His armor and tabard were covered with bone dust, his green eyes glowing with fierce rage. After this success, Ordevaas travelled next to Tyr's Hand, the stronghold of the Scarlet Crusade, to steal a sample of holy water from the Abbey. The water was tainted by the twisted use of the Light that was a staple of the Crusade. With the water in tow, Liadrin required other items to create a special mixture. Two of the items - a pristine black and Azerothian diamond - Ordevaas had found much earlier, but the other two parts required money to buy them from vendors in Silvermoon. He was ultimately successful, and received his final order.

In the eastern districts of Stratholme, Liadrin explained, there was a small church known as the Alonsus Chapel. Decades before, Uther the Lightbringer and his four compatriots - Tirion Fordring, Saidan Dathrohan, Turalyon and Gavinrad the Dire - were anointed the first Knights of the Silver Hand. It was protected from the ravages of the Burning City by an eternal flame that granted the structure the Light's blessing; this structure was the most sacred site to anyone who called themselves paladins. Liadrin and Ordevaas, however, had other ideas.

Preparing to put out the eternal flame of the Alonsus Chapel

With the mixture Liadrin had created, Ordevaas was to travel through the Eastwall Gate and extinguish the eternal flame. Aided by the mage Maruz and the priest Sheperd, two Forsaken allies of his master Joshmaul, Ordevaas cleared out the courtyard around the chapel, then - mixture in hand - entered the church. He splashed the inky black liquid over the flame, causing it to sputter and finally die - and allowing the flames of Stratholme to engulf the church. Enraged by this desecration, Aurius - the chapel's guardian - attacked the three interlopers, but was easily defeated by their combined power. When they stepped out of the burning church, five ghostly paladins - fallen defenders of the Silver Hand - stood there to oppose them. They shouted at him, calling him a false paladin and berating him for defiling the church. With a malicious grin, Ordevaas shouted his challenge: "Fools of the Silver Hand, face the wrath of the Portalseeker!" Then, without another word, he charged.

Standing victorious as the Alonsus Chapel burns behind him

Only Maruz's powerful frost magics and Sheperd's holy infusion gave Ordevaas the strength to defeat all five, but defeat them he did. Maruz opened a portal for him to Silvermoon, where he went once more before Lady Liadrin. Impressed with the alacrity of how he had accomplished his task, Liadrin bestowed upon him the rank of Master and granted him the right to ride a Thalassian charger.

Explorations of Outland

After receiving his due rewards, the new Master returned to Hellfire Peninsula, where he arrived at the town of Falcon Watch - set up by blood elf pilgrims travelling to Outland from Azeroth in order to find the destiny Kael'thas promised them. After his experience in Shattrath, Ordevaas was relieved to see that these blood elves - unlike, say, the Scryers - seemed to remain loyal to their Prince and eager to join him in dominating this land. Upon his arrival in Falcon Watch, Ordevaas became involved in some unusual events, including a love triangle involving an unfortunate killed in the Pools of Aggonar.

However, there were other things that also assured the safety of the pilgrimage. Ranger Captain Venn'ren, the commander of Falcon Watch, called on Ordevaas to clear a path through the Great Fissure in order to give the new pilgrims a path through the treacherous terrain of Hellfire Peninsula. The rugged, blasted terrain of Hellfire came as a surprise to him, though he was told of Outland's dangers by his master Joshmaul. The flayers of Hellfire proved to be the greatest obstacle, but Ordevaas defeated them - and the strongest flayer, Blackthorn the Savage - and lit the braziers that would guide the pilgrims to their destination.

Lastly came the attack on Hellfire Citadel...the stronghold of the Fel Horde.

Weakening the Ramparts: The Siege of Hellfire Citadel

Ordevaas in the ramparts of Hellfire Citadel

In order to breach the defenses of Hellfire Citadel, one first had to destroy the forces in its ramparts. Led by Vazruden the Herald, a servant of Illidan, the Fel Horde maintained some kind of secretive project in its depths, and no one was sure what. Nazgrel sent Ordevaas to the Citadel's ramparts to ascertain exactly what was going on, and also to destroy the Fel Horde's leadership, bringing back pieces of their bodies as proof: The scythe-fist of Watchkeeper Gargolmar, the hoof of the terrorguard Omor the Unscarred, and the head of the nether drake Nazan, the steed of Vazruden the Herald.

Ordevaas entered the ramparts with his mission. He was the one who was chosen by the party to engage the combat, and engage he did. All of the assigned targets met gruesome ends on the blade of Ordevaas' axe; even Vazruden and Nazan were not safe from the Portalseeker's wrath. As he stood in victory over the broken corpse of Vazruden, Ordevaas noticed a letter sealed with an ornate "I" symbol. Opening it, he read the contents with a grim expression on his face. The letter was from Illidan himself, and it read:


Since the Dark Portal has reopened, Honor Hold and Thrallmar have been receiving significant reinforcements from Azeroth. I have seen reports suggesting that they are planning an attack upon the citadel, and while we must contend as well with the Burning Legion. This is unacceptable!

Do not jeopardize the operation in the Blood Furnace! The fel orcs being produced there are the key to our success. Strengthen the defenses on the ramparts and post more perimeter guards immediately!

Trust me, you do not want for me to pay you a visit.

-- Illidan

Now Ordevaas had discovered the purpose behind the Citadel's operations...and now he had to return to Nazgrel.

The Blood is Life: Infiltrating the Furnace

Ordevaas leads the attack in the Blood Furnace

Upon discovering the purpose of the Blood Furnace, Nazgrel and Centurion Caza'rez sent Ordevaas and his party back to Hellfire Citadel to find out exactly what was going on within it. There, his mission was two-fold: Explore the Furnace thoroughly and report his findings to Nazgrel, and collect samples of blood from the fel orcs there. The Horde's security in Hellfire - not to mention Ordevaas' continued well-being, which to him was far more important - depended on the success of this mission. The Royal Apothecary Society - for whom Ordevaas had conducted several missions - believed that the origin of the blood's corruption was a powerful Pit Lord being used to corrupt the orcs of Outland.

Once again commanding the assault against the powerful beasts that resided within - a mo'arg machinesmith known as the Maker, and a floating eye called Broggok - Ordevaas was amazed to see the facilities within the fortress. Line after line of holding cells and some kind of incubation chambers ran throughout the length of the Furnace. Finally reaching the inner chamber where Keli'dan the Breaker resided, Ordevaas discovered to his horror that the Apothecaries' findings were correct: Illidan was utilizing a Pit Lord to create his fel orc legions. Returning with his findings, he received his rewards and the thanks of Nazgrel for his efforts on behalf of the Horde.

For now, his battles against the Fel Horde in Hellfire were over. But Ordevaas knew there were two chambers that had not been explored yet, and needed to be in order to insure that the threat of the Fel Horde was neutralized: The Shattered Halls where Kargath Bladefist resided, and the chamber holding the Pit Lord, within the bowels of the crumbling orcish fortress...

Defeating a Legion Lord

Ordevaas commands the charge against Arazzius the Cruel
Standing triumphant as Arazzius lies dead behind him

During his battles against the Burning Legion in Hellfire Peninsula, Ordevaas encountered demons never seen in Azeroth, including Shivarra, mo'arg machinesmiths and wrathguards. Ordevaas cut a bloody swath through the Legion Front, disrupting the smaller portals, bombarding the heavier defended ones from the air, and conducting aerial raids against Legion forces at the Abyssal Shelf, near the mountain called the Throne of Kil'jaeden. He also infiltrated and destroyed the forge camps that were located near Thrallmar, along with the demons that commanded them.

After achieving great success in these battles against the Legion and returning to Hellfire after his sojourn in the Underbog, Ordevaas received orders from Nazgrel to destroy the commander of the Legion's operations in Hellfire - an eredar warlock named Arazzius the Cruel. Assembling a crack team of allies, Ordevaas led them into the Pools of Aggonar west of Thrallmar. The Pools of Aggonar were a draenei holy site corrupted by the blood of the Pit Lord Aggonar, whose broken corpse was located nearby. Not long before, Ordevaas had discovered that the draenei from the nearby Temple of Telhamat were attempting to purify the waters, but doing so would deprive the blood elves at Falcon Watch a powerful source of energy. Ordevaas lured the draenei into a trap and took the lives of every last one of them.

Upon arriving at Arazzius' altar, having fought their way through the ranks of Terrorguards and living sludge that permeated the Pools of Aggonar, Ordevaas took command of the situation and led the charge against the powerful Legion lord. Imbuing his sword with the powers of Scourgebane - which also affected demons as well as the undead - Ordevaas went headlong into his enemy and slew him, leaving his broken corpse as a testament to his strength.

Big Game Hunter: Nesingwary's Outland Expedition

Ordevaas with the hunting party he led in Nagrand against Gutripper, Bach'lor and Banthar - the blood elf priest Faerienne and the tauren druid Lunematelot
Ordevaas and the hunting party he led in Nagrand against the elekk queen Tusker - Lunematelot, the tauren hunter Roshnee, and an undead warrior known only as "Skin"

Hemet Nesingwary was a renowned hunter from Azeroth who ran a safari in Stranglethorn Vale, hunting the tigers, panthers and raptors that resided in the south jungles. When the Dark Portal reopened and word of the wildlife in Outland reached Azeroth, Nesingwary immediately put together an expedition to travel to the wind-swept plains of Nagrand. Saavedro and Joshmaul had both done some hunting with Nesingwary's expedition prior to this, and Ordevaas did likewise with Hemet Jr., who had taken over the Stranglethorn camp in his father's absence.

Ordevaas met up with the druid Lunematelot, who had rescued Master Sekhesmet from the Scarlet Monastery two months earlier, in the Mag'har settlement of Garadar in northern Nagrand. Once they were prepared, they met with Faerienne, a priestess from Silvermoon, and they rode east to Nesingwary's encampment near the border with Zangarmarsh where the hunter and his party crash-landed. Ordevaas' hunting party was given three tasks: Nesingwary himself sent them after the big, wooly clefthooves, the human Harold Lane (who appears to have been incapacitated by a thornbush scratch - or maybe not, considering) after the talbuk herds, and the tauren Shado "Fitz" Farstrider after the windrocs, large birds that managed to survive the windy conditions that permeated Nagrand (which, appropriately, was orcish for "Land of Winds").

First taking on smaller creatures, then the larger ones, they were then set on the path of their largest, so large they were given names: The windroc Gutripper, the talbuk Bach'lor, and the clefthoof Banthar. Gutripper and Bach'lor lived in the western portion of Nagrand near the hills that separated the plains from the bottomless pit of the Twisting Nether, while Banthar roamed the Spirit Fields around Oshu'gun to the south. These beasts were difficult to track, but in the end they were found, and pieces - the eye of Gutripper, the hoof of Bach'lor, and the horn of Banthar - were taken back as trophies. Faerienne left the party shortly after the death of Gutripper, but Ordevaas and Lunematelot rallied a new party - both friends of the tauren druid - to hunt down the last beast of Nagrand: The queen of the elekk, Tusker.

The tauren hunter Roshnee and an undead warrior who was called "Skin" - as he often asked sarcastically "where's my skin?", a reference to his rotted joints and decayed body - met Ordevaas at Nesingwary's camp and immediately set out for Oshu'gun, where they confronted the white elekk on a small plateau facing the diamond mountain. Leading the way with her uncanny skill for detection, Roshnee's tiger companion charged in, followed by the others, while the hunter herself launched arrows into the beast's body. Ordevaas delivered the coup de grace by plunging his fel iron greatsword into Tusker's forehead, felling the giant elekk. Cutting open the beast's corpse, Ordevaas pulled the heart of the elekk queen out, allowing him and the druid to bring it back as the ultimate trophy. Nesingwary gave Lunematelot an idol, while Ordevaas received a special libram.

Coilfang Breakout!

Ordevaas ready for battle in the Slave Pens of Coilfang Reservoir

After leaving Hellfire, Ordevaas was called to Zangarmarsh by members of the Cenarion Expedition, an autonomous offshoot of the Cenarion Circle that resided in Outland. The Expedition - through Ordevaas' efforts - had discovered that the naga who had followed Illidan to Outland were utilizing immense steam pumps to drain the brackish swamplands and lakes of Zangarmarsh...and that the drain was somewhere within the depths of Serpent Lake, to the northwest of the Cenarion Refuge. Though he was contemptuous of the night elves who dominated the expedition (and they of him), the Master agreed to aid them in their efforts against the naga.

Escape from the Slave Pens

Travelling to where the drain appeared to be, Ordevaas travelled its snaking path into a huge cavern, which was known as Coilfang Reservoir. Here, it seemed, was where the naga's most powerful warriors - including their leader, Lady Vashj, one of Illidan's lieutenants - made their home. Ordevaas met the scout he was sent to find, who told him that she was a part of the team sent to Coilfang to uncover what was going on within. Though they were barely able to maintain civility, Ordevaas once again agreed to be of service.

The Expedition's scout asked Ordevaas to locate members of her team, and had been taken prisoner by the naga - two members in the Slave Pens, where Ordevaas went first, and two more in the Underbog nearby. Fighting through scores of naga warriors and their monstrous fungal servitors, Ordevaas and his party successfully located and freed the two Cenarion prisoners within the Slave Pens. All that was left now was to enter the Underbog, where the others resided; Ordevaas believed that this battle will be far more difficult than the excursion into the Slave Pens.

Into the Underbog

Ordevaas battles the Black Stalker

Several months later - after the betrayal of Joshmaul and the revelation of Kael'thas' treachery - Ordevaas returned to Coilfang much sronger than he had been during the expedition into the Slave Pens. Wielding an orcish warblade - a gift from Lantresor of the Blade for inciting a war between the Legion forces at Kil'sorrow Fortress and the Warmaul ogre clan, enemies of his Boulderfists - Ordevaas accompanied two fellow sin'dorei (a mage and a priest), an orcish warrior and a troll shaman into the depths of the Underbog.

While in Zangarmarsh, Ordevaas had obtained the friendship of the sporelings of the swamps, residing in their small town of Sporeggar. The fungal giants native to Zangarmarsh had been devouring the children of Sporeggar before they were born, consuming their spore pods without thought or warning. After showing that he was a friend of the sporelings, Ordevaas was tasked by one called T'shu to collect a plant called the Underspore, which was guarded by the fungal giant Hungarfen (and had in fact been cultivated by the creature for thousands of years), and by Khn'nix to claim the brain of the Black Stalker, the matriarch of the marsh walkers that resided in Zangarmarsh, as proof of demise. Ordevaas agreed, and once together with his chosen party, he set immediately to work, slaying Hungarfen and taking a frond of the Underspore to bring back to Sporeggar.

Finding the first prisoner held in Underbog relatively easily, it was the second - Windcaller Claw - who proved to be somewhat more difficult, as Claw had actually been tamed by a Broken draenei hunter named Swamplord Musel'ek. In order to break the tauren druid out of his enslavement, the party first killed the Swamplord and then beat the druid into submission - until the control that the Swamplord had inflicted finally broke. Afterwards, it was a simple matter to locate and slay the Black Stalker, who was the tallest being that Ordevaas had ever seen. Slicing at its "legs" and unleashing their magics against the creature's body, the Stalker fell relatively quickly, and Ordevaas slit open the cranial cavity to take the brain of the foul creature back to Sporeggar.

The Spirits of Thunderlord

Ordevaas with the spirit of Garm Wolfbrother and his clansmen

Upon his return to Zabra'jin, Ordevaas was dispatched by the shadow hunter Denjai to report to Thunderlord Stronghold. In the past, the Thunderlord Clan had been a somewhat more "traditionalist" (considered backwards by the others) clan before it was eventually wiped out. The ogres of the Blade's Edge Mountains held the stronghold until the Horde expedition from Thrallmar moved in and reclaimed it. Now Ordevaas prepared to make that hold permanent.

While slaying ogres of the Bladespire clan, Ordevaas recovered an artifact of the Thunderlords in the possession of a Bladespire shaman. He had heard mention of several more - a tablet, a drum and an arrow, all held by the Bladespires. As he went through Bladespire Hold, killing anyone who got in his way, Ordevaas retrieved these priceless artifacts and returned to Thunderlord Stronghold to a grateful (but somewhat indignant) Rokgah Bloodgrip, who revealed that there was one more artifact - the Thunderspike, a massive spear wielded by the chieftain.

With a little help from Rokgah's shamanistic magic, Ordevaas was able to locate the spear, deep inside a draenethyst mine controlled by the Bloodmaul clan, enemies of the Bladespire. On the way, he encountered the ghost of a troll witch doctor named T'chali, who had been buried up to his neck by the Bloodmaul in a ravine near their outpost, where he died - his ghost still buried up to his neck. T'chali instructed Ordevaas to recover some of the Bloodmaul brew and his hookah, then to take the brew to Bladespire Hold to intoxicate the ogres there. Then he was sent to kill their chieftains, Grimnok Battleborn of the Bloodmaul and Korgaah of the Bladespire, then finally to curse their strongholds with troll voodoo.

Ordevaas entered the mine only to find it piled with corpses; evidently someone had been here before he had. Finding the spear much as he had seen in the shaman-induced vision, the Master was ambushed by an ogre named Gor Grimgut, who hefted the spear like it was nothing. Empowered by the Light and his own natural rage, Ordevaas slew Gor and took the spear from his corpse, leaving the mine and returning to the Stronghold.

The Rediscovery of the Mok'Nathal

With all five Thunderlord clan artifacts back in Horde hands, the spirits of the Thunderlord were appeased and appeared before the Blood Knight. The last chieftain, Garm Wolfbrother, informed him that he had a discovery to pass on to Rexxar, the Champion of the Horde who had travelled to Thunderlord when the Dark Portal reopened. Evidently, Rexxar's people, the Mok'Nathal, had survived the sundering of Draenor and lived in a village nearby. Surprised by this, Rexxar sent Ordevaas to the village to meet with their leader, Leoroxx.

Upon arriving in the Mok'Nathal village, Ordevaas was granted an audience with Leoroxx, who revealed that Rexxar was his son, and that he had disowned him for leaving his people behind. Upon returning to Rexxar, Ordevaas learned that he had fought for the early Horde when they first arrived in Azeroth three decades earlier, and that his leaving to join the Horde had been a point of contention between him and Leoroxx. Still, Rexxar was determined to prove himself to his father and to defend his people from the ogre threat.

Ordevaas put himself at their disposal as well. At the behest of Leoroxx, Ordevaas travelled south of the village to assassinate Vekh, the arakkoa leader of the self-named "Veil Vekh". Later he hunted down Gnosh Brognat of the Bladespire, who commanded an outpost outside of Vekhaar Stand, out on Razor Ridge. Finally, he was sent to destroy Dreadwing, the nether dragon who ruled the nether drakes on Singing Ridge.

While hunting down Gnosh Brognat, Ordevaas obtained the totems of the Bladespire and returned them to Spiritcaller Dohgar, who sent him to obtain the spirits of nether drakes on Singing Ridge - which he did while he hunted down and slew Dreadwing. Upon his return with the spirits, who were freed from domination, Dohgar said he felt pain coming from the north - from where the Razaani ethereals made their camp. Using a special totem, Ordevaas collected fifteen pink floating orbs - orbs that even he could detect something was wrong with. His suspicion was proven true when Dohgar replied that they were souls - some of them the spirits of Mok'Nathal.

Furious with the ethereals' defilement, Leoroxx sent Ordevaas back to Razaan's Landing and sought to summon Nexus-Prince Razaan himself. Slaying ethereals would allow their essences to float up to the main teleporter in the center of the landing - once it was fully powered, Razaan himself would come. Meeting the ethereal in combat, Ordevaas used steel and determination to win the day and destroyed the Nexus-Prince, taking from him a collection of souls which were ritually freed at Mok'Nathal Village. With his actions, Ordevaas had made himself a champion of the Mok'Nathal.

Brother Against Brother: The War in Netherstorm

Ordevaas faces his friend Arathyn, now a Sunfury captain

With the aid of the Forsaken rogue Dynair, Saavedro had shut down the manaforges of Netherstorm. However, for the most part he had used stealth and trickery (hence his alliance with Dynair) to combat Kael'thas' minions - which meant that there was still a sizable force in each of the manaforges, despite their inactive status.

A year later, Ordevaas arrived in Netherstorm to find that the garrisons were still there and still in sizable enough strength to assault the goblin settlement of Area 52, where a meeting between the Aldor and the Scryers (which had culminated in the Shattered Sun Offensive) had taken place. The other manaforges were also in range to attack the Stormspire - the headquarters of the Consortium in Outland - and Cosmowrench, the nearest settlement to Tempest Keep. With orders from Spymaster Thalodien, Ordevaas travelled to Manaforge B'naar, tasked with retrieving the personnel manifest of the garrison there. Ordevaas was troubled when he saw that B'naar was commanded by his old friend Arathyn, who had been a trusted commander in the Whitehair House Guard before the fall of Silvermoon. Now he was a captain in the Sunfury army and served Kael'thas unquestioningly.

With a heavy heart, Ordevaas travelled to B'naar where he confronted Arathyn and his hawkstrider steed, Azurebeak. Killing the beast first, Ordevaas was seriously wounded by Arathyn's spear, but managed to fight down the pain until he swung his hammer upwards into Arathyn's jaw, snapping his neck and killing him instantly. Mourning the loss of his old friend for a moment, Ordevaas retrieved the necessary document and returned to Area 52.