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A list of characters that I have used in Wowhead Open Rp's and characters from my Fan fics on Wowhead.

Light's Revenge/Eclipse Characters

Daellin Lightheart

"I am getting too old for this."- Muttered before the battle at the Scourge plague Field.

Daellin Lightheart
No image available
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Paladin
Affiliation(s) Argent Dawn
Location Various in Lordaeron
Status Alive
Relative(s) Victor Still-Heart-undead bastard son
Mentor(s) Uther the Lightbringer Alonsus Faol
Student(s) Formerly Ally Avermill
Alignment [1]


Daellin Lightheart was born twenty years before the first orcs stepped from the Dark Portal. He was raised in the town of Andorhal in the human nation of Lordaeron. He was raised by his parents and was an only child. His parents were strict when it came to school studies. Growing up, the young Lightheart had no intention of being in any armed force, rather he wanted to be a farmer, being influenced by all the farmers that lived around him. He made a friend in Ahran Lewell, due to his family being close to Daellin's. The two grew up together and caused much good humor trouble.

However, when the orcs won the First War, and the nation of Stormwind fled to Lordaeron, Daellin and Ahran knew it was their duty to help some how. A fledgling group grew their interest. The Knights of the Silver Hand beckoned. The two sent out from Andorhal to Stratholme, where the group was massing together. When the two arrived, they met the famous Uther Lightbringer and Alonsus Faol. They began their path down the road of the holy light. In a matter of months, they had mastered the power of the Light and became noble Knights of the Silver Hand. He recieved a rather strong and powerful sword known as Dawncrier one that day. The Second War would soon follow.

Daellin was hand picked by Uther himself to go on a important mission during the Second War. A large orc attack force was nearing Tyr's Hand. He would ride out on his trusty stead Llane, round up the orc attack force, ride back to Tyr's Hand where the catapults and artillery decimate them. Daellin went out on the mission, to be injured badly by an orc arrow in the shoulder. However, he accomplished his goal and the attack force was destroyed and Tyr's Hand saved. The injury was too grave to send the paladin back into the war, and thus remained the rest of the war in a hospital bed.

Years passed with much peace. The orcs began to riot the camps they were held in. Much tension caused many orcs to escape. In one instance, one of the light's favored Tirion Fordring defended a lonely orc. This resulted in his banishment. Soon there after, a large attack on Stratholme by the orcs resulted in the escape of Tirion. Nobody has seen him since.

After Lordaeron fell to the Scourge, Daellin help create the Scarlet Crusade. He thoguht it was his duty to stay and purge his nation. He was a high ranking commander in Tyr's Hand. One day, his superior and legend Abbendis gave him orders to help him lead a attack on the Scourge strong hold of Stratholme. The two led the attack deep inside the city, killing hundreds of Scourge. That is until they were overwelmed near the ruins of the Silver Hand abbey. The Baron himself came and killed Abbendis with a quick blow. The remaining Scarlets gave their lives for Daellin to escape to warn the Crusade about the failed attack. When he reached Tyr's Hand, the other high ranking Scarlets agreed to let Daellin be the new High General of the Crusade. However, Abbendis's daughter Brigitte demanded to be the High General. Daellin allowed her to be, to the dismay of several Scarlets.

After leaving the meeting, Saidan Dathrohan, a respsected Scarlet, approached how Daellin was foolish. Daellin shrugged it off, yet followed the angry Saidan to his home. From outside his window, Daellin could hear odd things. He heard how he killed Mograine the Ashbringer himself. Daellin ran away, but was caught by Saidan. Saidan explained further how he killed the great Mograine and now planned to do the same to Daellin. Dozens of Scarlets arrived. Daellin called out how Saidan was a murdered, but it fell on deaf ears. They all tried to kill Lightheart. Daellin barely escape and began scalling a wall. However a explosion sent him falling.

Daellin awoke a day later and was in the comapany of two Argent dawn members, Drig and Ally. He had lost Dawncrier in the explosion, in which Daellin was very upset about. They said how they would take him to their superior. Daellin had never heard such a group, so went with it. They brought him to the grand Seth Lighthammer. Shaken by Seth's presence, Daellin begged to give up the Crusade and join the Dawn. Seth merely told him to go to Light's Hope Chapel. Ally escorted him to the chapel. Their, he was knighted into the Dawn and was given the sword Light's Breach from Lord Maxwell. Daellin discovered that the Crusade and Dawn wanted an union to fight the Scourge, to which he was disgusted. Ally and Daellin were ordered to go to Seth and tell him an attack on Fungal Vale would soon come. The pair arrived to Drig dead and Seth missing. He ordered Ally to go back to the chapel and he went into the Vale to find the murdered and kidnapper

A Death Knight called Cain was responsible. Seth was still alive, if barely. A battle between Daellin and Cain resulted in Light's Breach using its Breach ability. Daellin went into a coma. Days later he awoke barely alive in Light's Hope. Ally and Maxwell arrived just in time to save Daellin and Seth. Cain was not found. The two paladins healed, and were on their feet days later. Maxwell ordered Daellin and Ally to go east to help aid the Eastern Front. On the way, Daellin found a young Scarlet girl in Uther's monument, and killed her. Also a mysterious figure stopped them for a momment. They got to Chillwind Post and was met by Ashlam Valorfist. He ordered them to clense a farm alongside his son, Jonas. They won the battle, but the figure from earlier returned and killed the remaining Dawn.

Daellin quickly grabbed Ally and used the Breach to protect himself. The killer identified herself as the Mindflayer Victoria. Ally tried to attack her, but failed and sent into unconcious. As it turns out, Victoria was a lover of Daellin years ago. She bore a child from their union. However Victoria and her son fell to the Scourge. Just before the Mindflayer would have killed Daellin, the Scarlets came. She fled and for once Daellin was happy to see the Crusade again. Ahran was the leader of the Crusade group. Daellin was about to be arrested when Ally awoke and killed Ahran. The Crusade took pity on Daellin and Ally and took them to Chillwind. There, Daellin broke the news of Jonas's death to his father. Ashlam grew depressed, yet demanded the death of the Mindflayer.

A large attack force was assembled. The Horde and Alliance both wanted the Mindflayer dead as well. At the cave of the Mindflayer, the force charged. However it caved in and left only Daellin, Ally, and the Horde commander undead Victor Still-Heart. They kept on with the mission. They found Victoria. However, the Mindflayer told a terrible secret. Victor was her son, Daellin's son. At that momment, Ally charged. Victoria easily sent his flying and made sure of her death. Daellin;s young apprentice was gone. The remaining two fought against the Mindflayer, and soon, were victorious.

At Ally's funeral, Daellin told to Ashlam how he was done with everything. He left the funeral on a horse, not to be seen again...


Daellin is a careful old man. He guides his parties and himself with caution. While in the Crusade, he was fearless and willing to do anything. However, when he started to doubt himself and left the Crusade he went down a path of self doubt. He hates any Crusader, as seen in the murder of the young Crusader at Uther's Tomb, the Horde though he will side with them for the greater good, and the Forsaken andScourge due to their undeath. He also goes into more depression when some one close to him dies, e.x. being Ahran and Ally.

Daellin is a returning character in Light's Eclipse, so read more of Daellin Lightheart!

Ahran Lewell

"We were just the happiest of kids, eh?" Said about the flashback of Ahran and Daellin's early life.

Ahran Lewell
No image available
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Paladin, Barkeeper
Affiliation(s) Scarlet Crusade
Location Tyr's Hand
Status Dead
Mentor(s) Uther the Lightbringer Alonsus Faol
Alignment [2]


Born twenty years before the orc invasion of Azeroth in Andorhal, Ahran was always quite the odd one. Growing up his parents were strict about his studies, but nothing else. He could go around and cause as much mayham as he pleased. His family were close to the Lightheart family, so thus Ahran and their son Daellin became close friends. They had dreams of becoming farmers together. He and Daellin continued their childish behaviors. However, when the nation of Stormwind fled to Lordaeron, he and his friend decided they should help in any way possible. They chose to go down the path of light. Together they headed to Stratholme where they were knighted into the Knights of the Silver Hand. They togther became excellent paladins and joined the Alliance shortly before the Second War began.

Unlike his friend Daellin, Ahran would fight for the entire war. He waged battles across Lordaeron, to Khaz'Modan, then down to Blackrock itself. When the Alliance massed at Blackrock, Ahran was there. He charged into battle alongside the likes of Anduin, Khadgar, Mograine, Tirion, and such. He was valiant and fought until the end. When he saw his leader Anduin perish, Ahran went into a fury, killing several more Horde. However, as history has it writen, the Alliance won.

Ahran would be with Daellin for many years until they were assigned different posts. Daellin stayed in Stratholme and Ahran went into the wilds of Lordaeron. However one day on visit to Stratholme, Ahran joined with Daellin for some talk. They soon found out that Tirion was hurt and that an orc was believed to be the cause. They set out to find this orc and when they did, they found out that Tirion was helping the orc. Traiterous. Ahran was knocked out, but still fine. Then later, an orc raid on Stratholme resulted in Ahran fighting against his hated nemeis, the orcs. Ever since Anduin's death, he had a deep hatred for the beasts.

When the Scourge came, Ahran and Daellin tried to fend for themselves. They soon joined the Scarlet Crusade together. Daellin, being the more skilled of the two, grew in the ranks while Ahran was a grand warrior. However, a battle near the Capitol City, a deadly blow from an abomination's cleaver resulted in Ahran being severlly wounded. He would never fight again. A scar across his face, and several more on his body, haunt him of that day. He would settle down in the Scarlet city Tyr's Hand and became a barkeeper. He took pride in serving refreshments to the Crusade.

After Daellin left the Crusade, Ahran grew lonely and depressed. His only friend seemed to forsake the order they help build. Several people noticed this behavior. Later on, Ahran heard news that Daellin was alive in the Eastern Plaguelands. Saidan demanded his safe return to the Crusade. Ahran voluntered to find him. He would find Daellin and his apprentice Ally in a Scourge plague field. The young apprentice used a holy bolt and sent Ahran flying from his horse. The injury was too much for the aging Crusader, and died in Daellin's arms.


A very cheerful fellow, one of Ahran's passions is to tell stories. He would recount the old days. Just like anyone in the Crusade, he hates anything Undead and Horde related.

Ally Avermill

"I don't like that man." Ally speaking about Ashlam.

Ally Avermill
No image available
Gender Female
Race Human
Class Paladin
Affiliation(s) Argent Dawn
Location Buried at Chillwind Post
Status Dead
Relative(s) Able Avermill-brother, two deceased parents
Mentor(s) Maxwell Tyrosus, Seth Lighthammer
Alignment [3]


Ally was very young when the Scourge came, and still was during her time in the Dawn. She survived the Scourge attack on her farm with her young brother Able. She discovered her parents dead in a horrible manner. She fled with her brother ro the saftey of the Argent Dawn. She was taken in and she begged to be a paladin. Despite many people's thought that this young girl could never be a paladin, they allowed her anyways. The Dawn allowed her to join Seth Lighthammer and Drig with their mission, thinking it wasn't dangerous. She was always happy with the other two, quite oppisite than Seth and Drig. One day, Seth sent Ally and Drig on a mission to scout Tyr's Hand. They climbed the mountains to find a Scarlet man fired at by his own people. They took him in and camped for him to wake. The man was Daellin Lightheart. Ally was caring for him, not so for Drig. When Ally and Drig brought Daellin to Seth, the Scarlet man repented and begged to join the Dawn. Seth sent him to Light's Hope, and had Ally join him. There she found out that her brother was missing. She was in a great amount of saddness and almost wanted to just stop right there. She decided to continue on. When the pair returned to Seth, they found Drig dead and Seth gone. Ally was sent back to Light's Hope for help.

When Seth and Daellin awoke from their injuries and from the use of Light's Breach. After letting Daellin recover, Ally asked him to be his apprentice. He accepted. She was in much glee. Maxwell then told them to go east to help the eastern front and Chillwind Post. On the way east, they stopped at Uther's Tomb to pray. Inside, they found a young Scarlet girl, about her age. Daellin then went about killing her. Ally was horrified. Daellin told her that the Crusade is pure no more, and should be destroyed for using the light. She went over his words several times in her head, thinking about what he meant. They arrived at Chillwind, yet something in Ally had changed. Her masters words got to her. She seemed more confident, but in a bad way. Ashlam sent them off with his son Jonas to a Scourge field. She grew a crush on Jonas, taking in how handsome he was.

She was fearless at the battle. She hoped that Jonas would pay attention and grow the same feeling to her as she did to him. However, the Mindflayer came. Daellin barely saved himself and Ally's life from her. Ally, however, attacked the Mindflayer head on, almost killing herself. When the Mindflayer was about to end both of them, the Scarlets came. She awoke to find several Crusaders around her and Daellin. Instincts took over and she shot a light bolt at the cloest one, who happened to be Ahran. He died in Daellin's arms. Ally was confused why Daellin was suddenely sad over the death of a Crusader. The Scarlets guided them to Chillwind Post. She grew more angry with everything and Daellin in particular.

At the attack on the Mindflayer, Ally took it upon herself to lead instead of Daellin. She went into the cave to kill the witch that almost killed her before. However, after Victoria the Mindflayer told the family secret, Ally charged at her which resulted in the Mindflayer sending her flying. On impact with the wall, Ally Avermill perished.

She was given a burial at Chillwind Post where Daellin and her brother Able, who was found before her death, attended.


Ally is a very heart felt person. She is usually very happy when around people she trusts. However, like any other, is very sad at all the death around her. When her brother went missing, she thought she could not go on anymore. However after the event at Uther's Tomb, she began to change. She took Daellin's words to heart. She wanted to prove herself to Daellin and would do anything to do so. She took charge in anything afterwards. She would charge into battle without a second thought to her safety. This would end up being her downfall to the Mindflayer.

Seth Lighthammer

"The Light and myself cries for vengence, not just for my physical pain, but for the men and women that died in the Vale." Seth preaching before going to find Cain.

Seth Lighthammer
No image available
Title <Heir to the Lighthammer>
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Paladin
Affiliation(s) Argent Dawn
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Dread Lighthammer(Deceased father), James Lighthammer(Unknown)
Mentor(s) Dread Lighthammer
Alignment [4]


Seth was born into the Lighthammer family. Famous in the world as the wielders of the Lighthammer, a light blessed mace. He was expected to be the next user of the hammer after his father, Dread, was too old to use it. However, the Scourge killed Dread before Seth was of age to use it. The Lighthammer was then given to Seth's uncle James. However James Lighthammer went missing with the Lighthammer. Seth was quite angry with this, yet had a bigger problem one hand, the Scourge. He turned to the Argent Dawn for aid. With his popularity and natural skill of the light and leadership, they granted him a captain position. He was assigned a scary mission. In the Fungal Vale the Scourge were using the living for experiments. Seth was sent to see if this was to be more worried about. Along side his apprentice Drig and the newcomer Ally, they established a outpost on top of a mountain overlooking the vale. When Drig and Ally brought Daellin after he sent them on a mission to scout Tyr's Hand, he sent the obviously powerful paladin to join the Dawn. He sent Ally with him to Light's Hope Chapel. However, while the two were gone, an ambush by the Scourge caught him off guard. Drig perished, and Seth was kidnapped by a Death Knight known as Cain.

Cain chained him in the Vale and slowly drained his life out of him. However Daellin came back just in time and used Light's Breach to kill hundreds of Scourge and saved Seth. The two woke up in Light's Hope Chapel days later with serious injuries. As it turns out, Cain was not found and is assumed to survive in the north. When he was well enough, Seth sent out to find and kill Cain once and for all.


Seth is very bold and courageous. He would be the one to go on a desperate mission. He is very helpful to his allies, yet his enemies beware. He gives no mercy to the enemies of the Light. He has no hatred for the Horde. Seth is also quite cheerful at times of peace.

Seth is a returning character in Light's Eclipse, so read more of Seth Lighthammer!

Victoria Erill/The Mindflayer

"Oh Victor, why must you try to harm your own mother?" Victoria asking Victor in the final duel.

Victoria Erill
No image available
Title <The Mindflayer>
Gender Female
Race Undead
Class Necromancer
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Eastern Plaguelands
Status Dead
Relative(s) Victor Still-Heart-son
Alignment [5]


Victoria Erill was a young mage in training in the capitol of Lordaeron after the Second War. She came from a highly respected family and put much pressure on the young mage. One day, she met a handsome paladin veteran known as Daellin Lightheart. The two had a glorious day out, and resulted in a even more 'glorious' night. However, the next morning, she found Daellin missing. She looked for two weeks before giving up. She found out she was pregnant from their union. She gave up her mage training and had a boy. They grew up alone together, hoping that Daellin would return one day. That day did not come. Victoria's son became a skilled blacksmith and Victoria resumed her mage training.

The day the Scourge came was a reckoning. Both Victoria and her son perished, then rised once more. They killed dozens of living together as mindless Scourge. She lost her son but that did not stop Victoria. She would rise up in the ranks of the Scourge and tapped in her true power. She became a powerful spell caster, with a special ability to destory people through their minds. She earned the name Mindflayer. Hundreds died by her spell.

She found the where abouts of Daellin and grew an obsession for them to be together again, forever. She followed him and his apprentice until she thought it would be best to strike. At the attack on a Scourge field, she had her chance. She killed the rest of the Argent Dawn and Jonas Valorfist. Daellin and Ally were the only two left alive after the Mindflayer's spell. Victoria easily took Ally out of battle and was about to kill Daellin when the Scarlet Crusade came. She had to retreat. There would be another day.

That day came quicker then she thought. The Argent Dawn, Horde, and Alliance joined together to hunt her down and kill her. They found her hide out, a cave, and massed together. When Daellin, Ally, and the Horde commander Victor passed through the mouth of the cave, she caved in the tunnel from the rest of the attack force. The trio found Victoria and readied themselves. Until the Mindflayer told a terrible secret. The Horde Commander, the undea Victor Still-Heart, was in fact the son of Victoria and Daellin. She told of the terrible murders they did as Scourge. Victor denied it all, while Daellin was dumstruck. Ally quickly attacked the Mindflayer, but resulted in her death.

Angered, Daellin attacked his once lover with the holy light. It caused much pain to her and it pained him as well. Victor finsihed her off with a clean cut from his blades. The Mindflayer may have perished,but she caused much death.


Perhaps in life Victoria was more happy. Yet in death she is cold as ice. She hates anything alive and demands that all turn to the undeath. Yet to Daellin and Victor, she still has what the living call compassion. How some one dead and cold as the Mindflayer could have any love is beyond anyone.

Victor Still-Heart

"The restless shall remain so, and the few that broke their undead shackles shall overcome the restless. May the Banshee Queen have mercy on this Mindflayer..." Victor before the final duel.

Victor Still-Heart
No image available
Gender Male
Race Forsaken
Class Rogue, Commander
Affiliation(s) Horde
Location Various in Lordaeron
Status Alive
Relative(s) Victoria Erill-Mother, Daellin Lightheart-Father
Alignment [6]


Victor was the product of the union between Victoria and Daellin. He lived his early life as a very skilled blacksmith. When the Scourge came, he fell and was raised. He killed many living. When the Forsaken broke away, he was freed by them. He pushed the memories of murder away in the deepest part of his rotted brain. He rose in the ranks of the Forsaken and was favored by the Banshee Queen. She made him High Commander of the Forsaken in Lordaeron. He was quite cunning and brutal when it came to battle. He was furious when he found out about this Mindflayer killing his men. He was disgusted to be with the Alliance to kill her, but he needed the Mindflayer dead. When he was in the cave with Daellin and Ally, he discovered that the Mindflayer was none other then his mother in life. She brought terrible memories of murder when he was Scourge back. He also did not like the idea of his father leaving him like that and being next to him. Despite all this, he brought the killing blow to Victoria. After the battle, he grew mad. The Banshee Queen sent him to the Silverpine Frontier as a simple commander. There he creates battle plans and sends Horde to fight.


Cold, tactical, and smart are words that come to mind when speaking of Victor. He knows when to fight and not to. He has the highest loyalty to the Banshee Queen and the Forsaken. He finds humans very disgusting for not treating their dead family the Forsaken any compassion. He fights for the Horde, but cares little for the other races of the Horde. His own goal in life is to kill any and all Scourge in the name of the Banshee Queen










Ash the Red



