User talk:Hellborne74443

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*Sneaks in, look around*

Guess, who? Anyhow, a piece of friendly advice - if you use a {{clr}} tag after each section, they will not overlap. Ald (talk) 07:43, 14 December 2010 (UTC)

[Aftermath: Restoring the World] - Cultist Sub-plot

I hope you will have a look at this exchange between me and XD

Hey Alu, it's XD.
Sorry about the delay in sending this email, needed new email address etc since my old ones are filled with spam and I can't remember the passwords for most of them. And all the usernames I wanted were already taken :P
So, I am assuming we will be using emails do decide on the how the cultist sub-plot should go, also will we include Hell in this to get his contribution or just ask him what he thinks once we have good idea of what will happen?
I think we should ask him about this.
As for the arc itself, I was planning for Robert to be killed and Aeglos to be wounded heavily, but for the battle to be turned in favor of the adventurers (So that Valentine finally snaps out of torpor and openy opposes the cult while light's Ven has a shock. Cruel me). Vatec dies, too (preferably from Valentine, although if you want Amora to have the kill, tell me).
Before I start to figure out, if and how I should execute my plan, I think knowing your intentions about Vector wouldn't hurt.
Okay. I was thinking it should go well for the adventurers, but it would take them a while to beat the cultists completely. And that even when they win, the 'Artifact' that Vorlek was referring to I thought could be safely away and begin corrupting fresh minds so that in time the cultists would return. Vorlek I imagine as escaping the battle, though not unscathed, and seeking revenge against the Alliance, including those who took part as his number one priority, though eventually he might get back into recruiting new cultists. Xennar it is likely I will have him and/or both his hounds getting killed at some point. Vagrin will probably escape with considerable injuries from dealing with the Ettins, and if he finds out Rob has been killed he will probably not be a good state for quite some time, I would imagine him either just giving up or trying to forget about it by drinking or getting in to fights, seeing as he considers Rob and very good and trustworthy friend. I might also have Vorlek attempt to capture one or more of the party and take them as hostage, so he can exact his revenge upon them too, once the battle is over. Maybe I will have him capture Amora, seeing as I have certain plans for her, though I am not sure if it would be a good idea to put them into place yet as there are certain other events I want to have happen beforehand.
Also with Vatec's death I do not mind if Valentine does it, they could always bring him down together, but I will leave that part up to you. Currently I was planning for Amora to try to overload the crystals to prevent the cultists from using those any further, though she does not want to go into the room storing them when there is a chance she will be trapped in there. As for my plans to do with Vector, he is only really interested in stealing the shards to sell on the black market to the highest bidder, if his men die he will simply replace them in time. He is also planning on bringing down as many of the cultist and Alliance soldiers as possible at the same time. The Alliance soldiers he wants killed because he believes them to be a nuisance to his associates in other cities as well, and the cultists he wants killed because he knows if they survive they may attempt to take the crystals back from him. Basically he is only in it for profit. I am imagining he will join in the battle once it is well underway so as to fight enemies who are weakened by the previous events in the battle.
And before I forget, the Alliance plan, once they have dealt with any shards, and cultists for that matter, they encounter during the battle, is to have everyone portalled out so that they can use gnomish depth-charges dropped from above into the Lake and even explosives from within the lair itself to make the whole structure collapse.
I apologize if any of my explanation is vague or unclear, I am pretty exhausted so if you need any confirmation on anything I have said just ask.
Everything clear so far. Now we have to decide how long will the battle go on and how do we drag Hell into discussion. I say we wait for the Dag'rema-hunters to leave Gilneas, to avoid overcrowding and some issues with the Horde and my speciesist chars.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Ald of Wowhead 01:03, 6 February 2011 (UTC)