User:Harvester123/Entropy (Bronzebeard EU)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2018-04-28

Entropy Bronzebeard(EU).png
Server Bronzebeard Europe
Guild Leader Darkjimbo
Levels 100
Type PvE
Accounts 100+
Armory Entropy Armory

Entropy is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Bronzebeard-EU

Guild Info

We are one of the oldest and most respected raiding guilds on the Bronzebeard server and are constantly looking for the best players available. We value people who can play their class to its full potential, who strive to learn encounters when they are just released and most of all, people who can play an active part in contributing to the guild. We enjoy having good progression but we never forget our guild is built on having loyal, long term players.

Guild progress


Entropy was formed in 2007 by a group of friends. It constantly grew in both size and quality over the years,now we're contesting the realm first spot in raid progression with a few other guilds. The guild is international,we have a core group from many countries,with clusters of people from UK and Denmark,Primary language both in guild and on Ventrilo is English.

Weekly raid schedule

The invites start at 19:45 server time,you have 15 minutes to do last minute preparations and go to the instance portal,we start pulling at 20:00. We have a scheduled break at 22:00 Server time for 10 minutes. 4/4 Attendance is required of all Raiders/Raider Trials.

  • Wednesday, 20:00 - 24:00 Server Time
  • Thursday, 20:00 - 24:00 Server Time
  • Sunday, 20:00 - 24:00 Server Time
  • Monday, 20:00 - 24:00 Server Time
  • Tuesday,20:00 - 24:00 Server Time <-------- OPTIONAL DAY!

Guild rules

Respect for others

Exercise proper respect for other players in the game. This means all members are expected to refrain from behaving hostile or disrespectful toward any other players. If you have an issue/argument/problem with another guild member,try to solve the problem in a civilized manner first,then if that doesn't work try contacting an officer about the issue. If the player is not in the guild,avoid flaming/bashing/trolling them in public channels or in whispers,use the ignore or report features instead. While representing yourself,always remember you're also representing the guild to the rest of the world/server,this includes spamming/ninja-ing/other abuses. If you delve into this type of behaviour don't expect to have the tag under your name for long.


We use these ranks in the guild to help management and organisation of raids/events etc.

  • Guild Leader
  • Council
  • Raid Officer
  • Raider
  • Member
  • Alt
  • Citizen
  • Inactive/Alt

Council is the Guild council that makes major guild decisions and helps run the guild (also includes their alts),they are usually active raiders. Raid officer rank is taken by Raid Leaders and people who help organise the guild/raid in one way or the other (also includes their alts). Raider is the backbone of our raid roster,it consists of members who have passed their trial and are actively raiding 4/4 days a week. Member is the social rank in the guild,it consists mostly of old members of the guild that no longer play often but they are still active,and Social Recruits who passed their trial. Alt rank is for the alt characters Citizen is the rank that trials get for the duration of their trial (Social trials as well). Raider Trials,if they pass the trial are promoted to Raider rank,Social Recruits to Member rank. Inactive/Alt rank is for retired members and their alts we like to keep around in case they return to the game.

Raid Rules

We try to have a positive raiding atmosphere while raiding,banter and jokes are all fine during trash clears or breaks/downtime. During a progression or any other boss encounter we try to keep Ventrilo clear of any unneeded noise or chatter. Only voices that should be heard are the voices of one of the raid leaders,who are calling out boss tactics and usage of raid cd's,or raiders doing special assignments/tanks asking for external cd's. Also reply to any questions you are asked by the Raid leader or another officer on Ventrilo,rather then in chat. Other then that,there is no need to speak during a boss encounter,do your assigned role and only talk on vent if you need some sort of CD cast on you or you dc'd.

  • Be prepared before the raid invites. This means you should have flasks and other consumables ready and stocked before we go inside,for raiders guild bank supplies flasks/food/potions at discounted prices.
  • This ALSO means reading up on boss fights beforehand,figuring out what your class/spec/role can bring to the table in terms of handling certain mechanics and ofc always optimizing your performance.
  • You must be willing and expect to be sat out for a boss or even the whole raid night if it helps Guild Progression, your class might not be good on that particular boss,we might need an extra healer/dps/tank for the encounter and similar.


  • Guild Leader - Darkjimbo/Restoration
  • Council - Avalonian,Olofthegreat,Hac,Firimar
  • Raid Officer - Alzan,Jodiefroster,Miloscub

Any and all of these officers can answer any questions you might have about recruitment,the guild in general etc