User:GoldenYak/Vidar Ymironson (Utgarde Catacombs)

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MobVidar Ymironson
Image of Vidar Ymironson
Race Undead
Level ?? Boss
Location Upper Catacombs, Utgarde Catacombs
Status Killable
Utgarde Catacombs

The son of King Ymiron and Queen Angerboda, Vidar was not seduced by the promises of the Lich King, and turned against his parents in fear of what would become of his people under the rule of the false death god. Confronting the undead Angerboda, he was slain and resurrected as an undead, turning him against the living races that he had fought to defend.

Dungeon Journal

The son of Ymiron and Angerboda. Vidar rejected the worship of the Lich King, defying his own family in an effort to spare his people from a living nightmare. For years he sought out others like himself and ultimately sought to ally himself with the Alliance and the Horde against the undead of Northrend. When his mother Angerboda was raised as an undead, he sought to bring her everlasting peace, but was himself slain and transformed into one of the living dead. Now, bound to Angerboda's rule, he stands guard over the Utgarde Catacombs entrance hall, his ravaged, rotting frame tethering the once noble soul of a true hero.

The Encounter

Vidar Ymironson's Abilities

  • Inv spiritshard 02.png Spirit Fonts  —  There are 8 spirit fonts that line the outer edge of the combat area. 2 of them randomly spill spirit fire onto the outer edge, engulfing it in fire that deals damage to anyone standing in it.
  • Spell shadow coneofsilence.png Spirit Barrage  —  The 8 spirit fonts release bursts of spirit flame into the air, which then crashes down at random on the platform, dealing damage to anything they strike. The fires rain down constantly at a slow pace, but periodically increase in speed and number.
  • Spell shadow painspike.png Baneful Strike  —  Puts a stacking debuff on Vidar's main target. When the debuff stacks to three, the target receives Baneful Mark.
  • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness.png Baneful Mark  —  The target of Vidar's attacks deals shadow damage to all enemies.
  • Ability creature disease 03.png Fetid Corruption  —  Afflicts the target with 10 stacks of Fetid Corruption. Each stack reduces maximum health by 8%. Every few seconds, Fetid Corruption will attempt to spread a stack to a nearby target. It can only spread to a target without Fetid Corruption. Once the Fetid Corruption expires, it deals a large amount of shadow damage to the target, based on the target's actual maximum health. If the target has too many stacks of Fetid Corruption, the damage will certainly be fatal.
  • Ability warrior focusedrage.png Enrage  —  Vidar becomes enraged at 30%, increasing his attack speed and damage. This will coincide with three consecutive Spirit Barrages.


Vidar will use all of his abilities throughout the encounter. He enrages at 30% health, which coincides with a long period of Spirit Barrage attacks.

Heroic Difficulty Heroic Mode

  • Fetid Corruption places a debuff on the afflicted target when it expires, preventing them from receiving another stack of Fetid Corruption for 30 seconds.
  • Spirit Barrages will happen more often.


  • Prince's Bane - Defeat Vidar Ymironson without anyone receiving damage from a Baneful Mark.
  • Everyone Takes a Bite - When afflicted with Fetid Corruption, spread it to at least 9 other people.


  • I was raised to venerate the fallen heroes of the past... to aspire to join the ranks of the honored dead one day.
  • When the Lich King came to us, when he woke the dead from their slumber, everyone called him a god. Everyone believed the honored dead had risen to fight at our side, to bring glory to our people and extend that glory across all the lands of the world.
  • Everyone but me.
  • I could see that it was wrong. That it was a perversion of all we believed to be good and right.
  • But I never knew... until I felt it for myself, I could not have imagined...
  • She controls me now. I will stand against you. I will fight you and destroy you unless you destroy me.
  • Please... end me...
  • The end comes now!
Calling for Spirit Barrage
  • Rage, restless souls!
  • Burn, souls of the dead!
  • Give me my release, or I'll surely give you yours!
Killing a Player
  • I never wanted this...
  • Ancestors forgive me...
  • End me before another falls...
  • To become nothing... this is all I desire now...