User:GoldenYak/Patch X.4 - Edge of the Night

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GoldenYak/Patch X.4 - Edge of the Night
“Edge of the Night”
File:Itv patchX4 hws.png
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  • New zone - Bysmault
  • New raid zone available in Bysmault- The Ebon Throne
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Edge of the Night is the fourth and final patch for the Into the Void Expansion Concept.

Patch X.4 - Edge of the Night

General Overview

The Story So Far...

The darkness of the Void grows more chaotic and profound, and the fragile energies that have shielded the worldshards of the Voidlands from total dissolution are beginning to finally fade. The constellar Nodensius and the naaru A'dal have devised a means to preserve the Voidlands against the ravaging hunger of the Void, but to enact their design, the impregnable worldshard of Bysmault must be taken. Since the defeat of Ahriman and his noctarchs, Bysmault has remained violate. The forces of the Void grow in strength there daily, under the baleful gaze of Nigh, the avatar of the Void Lords. To take Bysmault from the forces of the Void, A'dal and the naaru have sent the heroes of Azeroth far and wide across the Voidlands, and now their forces are mighty enough to stand a chance against the hordes of the Void. As the forces of light gather at the edge of Bysmault, something terrible emerges from the darkness of the Void overhead...

Bysmault Storyline

The march on Bysmault begins.

The Breach of Darkvault

As the defenders of Azeroth rally to assault the Voidlands, the chaotic Void-ravaged skies overhead split and thunder with ferocious storms. Plummeting out of the darkness is a colossal abomination, one of the hideous Old Gods, falling like a mountain made of nightmarish flesh. Trailing clouds of dark energy and raining poisonous black blood, the fiendish behemoth soars overhead only to crash into Bysmault, the cataclysmic impact of the monster's body blasting through the towering metal-wrought bastions of the Void's forces. Tremors and quakes triggered by the Old God's fall ravage Bysmault and the surrounding regions, splitting open canyons and collapsing sinkholes. When the devastation finally settles and the thrashing corpse of the Old God stills, a massive gap has been torn into the Void's fortifications, the sprawling carcass of the Old God having wreaked havoc on the earlier formidable defense. Hideous, howling screams of triumph sound from overhead, heard across the length and breadth of the Voidlands, and something even larger than the fallen Old God moves through the darkness towards the heart of Bysmault, even as the Void's forces begin to pull back from the remnants of their fortress.

Despite the opening in the Void's defenses, the naaru see the fall of the Old God as an ill omen - the Void is planning something terrible at the heart of Bysmault, and the darkness surrounding the Voidlands has become more profound and dangerous. Time for the Voidlands and all on it grows short, as the forces of darkness grow stronger. The heroes of Azeroth are given the signal - it is time to march on Bysmault and destroy the forces of the Void. The Lords of Dawn and the White Nova ethereals join forces with the Storm Breakers and the Ebon Maw ethereals to form an allied coalition - the Dawnbreak Concordance.

The Road to Nightfall

The heroes of Azeroth lead the allied armies of the Dawnbreak into battle against Nigh's forces in Bysmault. No sooner do the Dawnbreakers engage the shadowy legions of the Void then Nigh reveals her new lieutenant, plucked from the blackest depths of the Void itself - Cho'Gall, the mad ogre-magi and most fervent worshiper of the Void. Where Ahriman failed, Cho'Gall will succeed. Having been blessed with a new form and even greater powers by the Void Lords, Cho'Gall rallies the hordes of Voidsent warriors and Void-corrupted creatures of Bysmault and shapes them into a formidable army. Nigh commands Cho'Gall to drive the Dawnbreakers from Bysmault, while the herald of the Void sequesters herself within her ultimate bastion in the Voidlands - the Ebon Throne, a colossal fortress located in the former ethereal city of Ang'Manyu at the heart of Bysmault.

The Dawnbreakers must battle Cho'Gall's forces across Bysmault to expose the Ebon Throne to assault. Within, Nigh prepares to unleash the wicked power of the Void upon Azeroth.

New Region - Bysmault

Bysmault is a dead realm, a landscape of broken mountains and cracked canyons overlooking the yawning black depths of the Void. Storm-clouds rage across the sky and crackle with lightning. Currents and geysers of dark energy wrack the land, and fragments continually break off and drift into the Void. Islands of ruined stone drift around Bysmault's largest land-masses, continually sending rains of meteors crashing down across the landscape. But by far Bysmault's most striking features are the colossal ruined fragments of its dead Titan - one mountain-range is a broken arm, its immense hand forming a frightening horizon. A split visage, half of the Titan's face with a mouth frozen in a howl, drifts overhead like a twisted moon.

There are no native inhabitants to Bysmault - the armies of the Void hold sway here. Void manifestations take form in great ranks, armies of darkness preparing to invade other worldshards. Beasts and monsters born of the Void's depths prowl the wilderness - some manifestations of Void-life even form strange and twisted 'forests' of swaying tendrils and glowing eyes. These growths are unlike the twisted organic chaos of the Old Gods - instead they seem smooth and sleek, ordered, almost artificial. This Void-life represents the ultimate goal of the Void Lords, to populate existence with flesh and blood creations made of darkness made into matter, all spawned from their evil minds.

New Creatures

A host of new creatures can be found.

  • The Voidsent - The Voidsent are darkness itself made flesh and sent back into the material realm to slay for their masters, the Void Lords. Voidsent entities are crafted as a reflection of beings from the material universe; they are hideous distortions, the dreams of the Void Lords made manifest, based on the dark entities twisted perceptions of living creatures in the realms of light.
  • Void Hydra - A hideous abomination birthed from the twisted imaginations of the Void Lords. The flesh and blood hydras of Azeroth created by the Old Gods are reflection of these Void-spawned horrors.