User:GoldenYak/The Umbral Depths

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The Umbral Depths
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The Umbral Depths
Location Umbral Depths, Bysmault
End boss The Horror
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

The Umbral Depths are the loathsome lower regions of the city of Ang'Manyu, filled with Void mutations and pollution from Ahriman's machines and experiments.

Dungeon Journal

Beneath the twisted city of Ang'Manyu is an ancient system of aqueducts and tunnels, built to service the city during its existence on lost K'aresh. Now it is a black, pollution choked cesspit that houses the ravenous, mutated results of Ahriman's reckless Void experiments.


The city of Ang'Manyu was once a sprawling metropolis, one of the largest of lost K'aresh. Much of the city remains intact despite it being plunged into the black depths of the Void, and the sewer infrastructure has survived even into its current twisted incarnation. Many hideous creatures caused by Ahriman's original reckless Void experiments have survived and even thrived through the transformation of the city into a stronghold of the Void. In order to secure the approach to the Ebon Throne, the Umbral Depths beneath the city must be purged and made safe.

Storyline and Encounters

The Umbral Depths are the only sure way to enter the fortress of Erebus, the stronghold protecting the Ebon Throne. To launch an assault on Nigh's forces in the Throne itself, Erebus must fall, and the heroes of Azeroth must make their way through the loathsome depths to ensure that this will happen.

Voidmass, the Unspeakable Remnant

  • Something hideous emerges from the depths, a twitching mass of misshapen flesh fused together in the darkness...

Ahriman's experiments in exposing living creatures to the chaotic energies of the Void resulted in countless debased and mutated monsters, most specimens devolving into fleshbeasts or oozes. Ahriman disposed of these creatures with the same lack of respect and consideration that he had shown for the laws of his own people, dumping the malformed unfortunates half-haphazardly into the sewer tunnels surrounding his hidden laboratory. Bristling with the chaotic energy of the Void, the living refuse has not simply wasted away, but merged into a hideous amalgamation of Voidsent flesh.

Scar'ok, Hound of Ahriman

  • Scar'ok yells: Ywaq'nul ky zek gryel Nyakhab!
  • A Hideous Voice whispers: Stars are the flesh on which we feed. You are all made of stars...

Ahriman's Void experiments eventually enabled him to call up entities from the depths of the Void and enable them to take shape in the material realm. The Void Lords eagerly rewarded Ahriman with the void terror Scar'ok, a creature that more than once kept Ahriman's labs a secret by devouring potential trespassers. Even after his master abandon Ang'Manyu, the loyal void beast has continued to guard the depths.

The Horror

  • The Horror yells: The beat of their wings makes the stars flicker! Theirs is the hunger that bites holes in space!

Ahriman's mad experiments were nearly stopped before his final act plunged K'aresh into darkness. The Shandarm, the law enforcers of K'aresh, had tracked the madman for some time, finally discovering his hidden lair beneath Ang'Manyu. As the Shandarm burst in on the renegade, Ahriman activated his machine, tearing open the veil between the material universe and the blackest depths of the Void. The mightiest among the aresheem became corrupted into Ahriman's noctarch servants - those deemed less useful were amalgamated into the enormous void spirit known as the Horror and left to haunt Ahriman's empty laboratory.