User:GoldenYak/Zenith of Oblivion

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Zenith of Oblivion
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Zenith of Oblivion
Location Zenith of Oblivion, Bysmault
End boss Ahriman, the Seeker of Darkness
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

The upper reaches of Fortress Erebus, where the fortress master awaits his chance for revenge.

Dungeon Journal

After passing through the Umbral Depths and capturing the Voidstorm Ascent, all that remains is to ascend the Zenith of Oblivion and face the master of the fortress. An old enemy has been granted an opportunity to redeem himself in the eyes of his masters, and he will meet all comers with the black fury of the Void.


Ahriman, the Seeker of Darkness

Atop Fortress Erebus is the Zenith of Oblivion, where the ruler of the fortress waits. The Dawnbreakers and the heroes of Azeroth breach the Zenith to find that the lord of the fortress is none other than Ahriman, the former Void Primarch who menaced the Voidlands with his legions. Despite Ahriman's destruction at Darkvault, the ethereal was resurrected from the Void and given an opportunity by the Void Lords to take revenge on his destroyers. Ahriman has been unhinged by his earlier demise and his soul's torment in the Void, and the maniacal Void-worshiper intends to repay his destroyers a thousand-fold.

Storyline and Encounters

Atop the Zenith of Oblivion, Ahriman awaits.

Void Breaker Hash'mal

  • Hash'mal yells: Every light must fade! Every soul, return to darkness!

Ahriman tears a mighty void giant, the Void Breaker Hash'mal, out of the darkness and unleashes it upon the Darkbreakers.

Ahriman, the Seeker of Darkness

  • Ahriman yells: Do you see it? The infinite ocean of darkness? It is the source of all things. All worlds. Darkness is within us all, growing, consuming, becoming! In the end, all things die, all things fail, all things return to darkness! Even you! Darkness conquers all worlds!

Ahriman was slain, but the Void laid claim to his soul and drew it into the crushing darkness of the Deep Void. For what seemed like an eternity, the Void Lords tormented their servant for his failure, only to finally relent and return him to the Voidlands in new Void-woven flesh to stand watch from fortress Erebus. Ahriman has lost what little sanity he once possessed, and is now naught but a puppet for the cruel, twisted whims of the Void Lords.