User:GoldenYak/Patch X.2 - He Who Shapes

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GoldenYak/Patch X.2 - He Who Shapes
“He Who Shapes”
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  • New daily quest zone - Yuggol, the Cursed Realm
  • New raid zone available in Yuggol - Temple of the Hundred Hands
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He Who Shapes is the second patch for the Into the Void Expansion Concept.

Patch X.2 - He Who Shapes

General Overview

The Story So Far...

The Void has been driven back into Bysmault, remaining locked behind their impregnable fortress of Darkvault. However, a new threat is spilling into the realm of Vegathis. The Curse of Flesh is spreading into the realm at an accelerated pace, threatening to engulf all the Voidlands. Only the ashen known as the Sons of Silence hold the answer to stopping the sprawling corruption. The Alliance and the Horde must venture into the worldshard from whence the corruption flows, the black realm called Yuggol, and destroy the Old God who is the very architect of the curse - the being known only as He Who Shapes.

Yuggol Storyline Event

While the forces of the Void remain fortified in Bysmault, word comes from Vegathis that a new threat is building strength for an assault on the Voidlands. The worldsharp of Yuggol, a world swallowed by the Void long ago, has appeared from the darkest depths of the Void, overshadowing the shards of Algol and Vegathis. An eternity ago, the Old God known only as He Who Shapes infested the world of Yuggol, spreading the Curse of Flesh and the twisted lifeforms born from his own body, the aqir and the n'raqi. Even when Yuggol was swallowed by the Void, the Old God endured, growing in strength. Now that the fragment of Yuggol containing He Who Shapes and his Black Empire threaten the engulf the Voidlands with the Curse of Flesh.

The ashen of Vegathis known as the Sons of Silence and their enigmatic goddess Zoma stand opposed to the eldritch invasion of He Who Shapes. Rallying the people of the Voidlands to push back against the invaders, the Sons of Silence lead a campaign of purification to Yuggol itself, intending to burn out He Who Shapes and his curse before all the Voidlands fall under the Shaper's hand.

The Yuggol Incursion

The Curse of Flesh spills forth from Yuggol, infected regions on Algol and Vegathis. The Curse of Flesh transforms all it touches into organic horror under the sway of He Who Shapes - stone becomes flesh, ice becomes blood, forests becomes squirming tentacles and leering eyeballs, an ever-expanding landscape of living foulness. Erupting from the twisted landscape itself are the Cursewracked, horrors born of the Curse of Flesh, the vanguard of the Shaper's invasion. The Alliance and the Horde must hold the line against the rolling tide of abominations flowing from Yuggol until the Sons of Silence and their goddess Zoma arrive. Zoma's power opens up a corridor through the twisted fleshscape, allowing the champions of Azeroth to send a strike-force into Yuggol itself.

The Black Empire of He Who Shapes

The worldshard of Yuggol is a nightmare vision of a world possessed completely by the chaos of the Old Gods. Mountains of flesh, tumorous forests of tentacles, canyons ringed with teeth that devour all who approach... all these horrors and more must be endured by the champions of Azeroth as they push towards the heart of the corruption - the great temple-city of He Who Shapes. Swarming to the defense of their lord and master are not only more Cursewracked horrors, but fiends born directly from the flesh of the Shaper himself - the insectile aqir-spawn and the eldritch fiends known as the faceless ones, the n'raqi. With the help of the Sons of Silence, the champions of the Alliance and the Horde must carve out a foothold in this nightmare realm to rally their forces for an all-out assault on the fortress of the Old God. Zoma reveals that four ancient temples devoted to the Void are hidden throughout the shard of Yuggol, and that if these temples can be seized from He Who Shapes, the Old God can be made vulnerable.

Temple of the Hundred Hands

After a fierce campaign against the hordes of He Who Shapes to secure the four Void Temples, Zoma calls upon her forces and the champions of Azeroth to begin the assault upon the Shaper's fortress, the Temple of the Hundred Hands. As the Old God's forces pour forth from his stronghold to clash with the invaders, Zoma makes a troubling revelation - the Void Temples torn from the Shaper's grasp now answer to her will, and the goddess unleashes dark and dreadful powers upon the Shaper's forces in aid of the champions of Azeroth. As the conflict reaches a critical point, Zoma tears open massive Void portals and unleashes a horde of nightmarish monsters, shadow-skinned n'raqi, and frightful voiceless ones to battle the Shaper's own eldritch legions. The Sons of Silence and Zoma's monstrous servants abandon the champions of Azeroth and hurl themselves into all-out war against the forces of He Who Shapes. Committed to the assault, and with all the Voidlands hanging in the balance, the Alliance and the Horde have no choice but to push forth into the Temple of the Hundred Hands and confront the Old God at its heart, while the hundred hands of He Who Shapes reach out to take all his enemies into their deadly grasp.

Temple of the Hundred Hands is the first raid zone of the Tier Void-2 raids.

New Region - Yuggol

The worldshard of Yuggol is the festering domain of He Who Shapes. Long ago the Old God fell onto the planet of Yuggol and his monstrous spawn spilled out from where he fell, devouring the peoples and civilizations that once dwelled upon the world. When the elementals of Yuggol rose up to resist the dark infestation, the Old God unleashed the Curse of Flesh upon them, twisting pure elemental energy into vile, cancerous flesh. The very mantle of the world boiled and festered, rock and stone converted to pulsing Void-born organic matter. Once the Old God's black empire had achieved dominion over the world, the Old God burrowed his vile tendrils into the crust of the planet, searching for a nascent Titan worldsoul to corrupt and carry out the designs of the Void. However, though Yuggol had been a world full of bountiful life, it did not possess the proper balance of cosmic energies to birth a worldsoul, and the ambitions of He Who Shapes to corrupt a Titan were frustrated.

Hungering to carry out his ultimate purpose, the eyes of the Old God turned to the nearby world of Algol, a planet whose orbit lay only slightly farther from the sun than Yuggol; close enough, in fact, that the armies of He Who Shapes were capable of reaching Algol by flying through the airless vacuum of space when the orbits of the two worlds' brought them into close proximity with one another. On these occasions, the black hordes of aqir-spawn and faceless monstrosities left the polluted surface of Yuggol and flew through the void to Algol, waging war upon the many races there for the glory of their Old God master.

In time, the black swarms of He Who Shapes overwhelmed the people of Algol, flowing across the surface of the icy world in an unstoppable tide. To the displeasure of He Who Shapes, Algol too lacked a Titan worldsoul, and the wroth of the Old God spilled out upon both worlds, cracking them apart and drowning them in the stygian darkness of the Void. Yuggol was shaken to pieces by its descent into the Void, with only the largest fragment of the world surviving, a colossal continent-sized fragment utterly infested with the fleshy growths of the Old God. The very ground underfoot will rise up against intruders, forests of clawed tentacles, mountains of shrieking maws, and hills of leering, oozing eyeballs forming a nightmarish living landscape of organic chaos. At the heart of this blighted realm is the towering temple of He Who Shapes, wherein the Old God himself squats and festers and plans to spread the Curse of Flesh to the rest of the Voidlands.

Noteworthy Locations

  • Altar of the Deep Void - A foreboding structure hidden in the flesh-warped wilds of Yuggol. A circle of black stone set into the brittle, dead flesh that forms the earth of Yuggol, ringed by ominous black obelisks carved with the language of the Old Gods, Shath'Yar. Looking upon the symbols too closely can drive a mortal mind to madness. The keeper of this dark place is a mysterious being wrapped entirely in ragged shreds of cloth - Gnarla'thortec, the Ragged Scribe. Gnarla'thortec will make the knowledge of the Void available to all comers.

New Creatures

A host of new creatures can be found.

  • Aqir Wraith - The wicked spirit of a slain aqir, brimming over with the dark energies of the Void and the insectile fury of the aqir race.
  • Aqir Exarch - A powerful, highly evolved aqir entity. Spawned directly from the flesh of the Old Gods, the Exarch lead lesser aqir-spawn into battle.
  • Cursewracked - The evolution of the Curse of Flesh has produced countless vicious creatures, spawned from the living landscape of Yuggol to spread the influence of He Who Shapes.
  • Shapeless Grotesque - The twisted servants of the Old Gods, the shapeless are living juggernauts of organic chaos.