User:GoldenYak/Patch X.1 - Vengeance of the Dreadlords

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GoldenYak/Patch X.1 - Vengeance of the Dreadlords
“Vengeance of the Dreadlords”
Initial version
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Highlights & notes
  • New daily quest region in Kezan - The Forbidden Vault
  • New Warship adventures available against the stygians and the forces of the Abyssal Maw.
  • New World Boss - Warmonger LXM-13
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Vengeance of the Dreadlords is the first patch for the Into the Void Expansion Concept.

Patch X.1 - Vengeance of the Dreadlords

Image:itv_patchX1_votd.png|center|Patch X.1 - Vengeance of the Dreadlords.

General Overview

  • New Burning Legion Incursions will afflict the region of Nachitar.
  • The Dreadlords have begun a counter-offensive in the Voidlands. The nathrezim leader Sinestroth seeks the power of the fallen Old God, the Butcher of Worlds.
  • New quests unlocked in Nachitar. Complete the campaign to thwart the dark designs of the nathrezim, and battle the forces of the Burning Legion to keep Nachitar safe from their assault.
  • New World Boss - Destromoth the Despoiler, Hatelord of the Burning Legion.

The Story So Far...

The forces of the Void have been pushed back to Bysmault, which remains inviolate. The Burning Legion was driven from Nachitar, and the Void consumed the demon world of Xoroth. However, the nathrezim have rallied and returned to assault Nachitar anew, seeking the remains of the Old God known as the Butcher of Worlds. The nathrezim plan to exploit the fallen Old God and its lingering power for their own purposes.

The Legion Incursion

The dreadlords have called in forces of the Legion from across the universe, and have brought their black starships into the Void itself to assault Nachitar. Legion forces will now periodically carry out Incursions in the region. Their forces are even more powerful than the Void forces conducting Incursions in other worldshards.

The Tomb of the Butcher

Sinestroth of the nathrezim launches an invasion force to Nachitar, seeking the source of the blood of the Old God known as the Butcher of Worlds. With Nathrezar and Xoroth both destroyed, the nathrezim have suffered serious setbacks and wish to exploit the power of the Old Gods and their creators, the Void Lords, to reclaim their former majesty.

After battling nathrezim forces throughout the most dangerous regions of Nachitar, the champions discover Sinestroth in the Tomb of the Butcher, beneath the surface of the worldshard. Within is the immense, fossilized carcass of the Old God, still writhing with its remaining dark power.

Sinestroth uses the bones of the Old God to carve open a portal into the Deep Void, where the Void Lords lie in wait for the means to enter the physical universe. Their energy reanimates the body of the Old God, nearly causing it to come back to life. After a desperate battle, Sinestroth and the bones of the Old God are sent plummeting into the Deep Void, and the portal is closed before the power of the Void Lords can be unleashed and destroy the Voidlands.

New Creatures

  • Gethrezim - A sorcerous demon race related to the nathrezim.
  • The Gog - Hideous monsters born of the blood of the Old God, the Butcher of Worlds.