User:GoldenYak/Halls of Silence

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The Halls of Silence
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Halls of Silence
Location Halls of Silence, Yuggol
End boss Malastryx, Faded Lord of Azj'Aqir
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

Once a temple of some unknown race native to Yuggol, this formerly holy place been engulfed by the crawling corruption of He Who Shapes.

Dungeon Journal

Long ago, the world of Yuggol was a verdant world filled with life, populated by many sentient races. All are lost to time, devoured by the crawling chaos of the Void. The wicked abomination known as He Who Shapes fell upon Yuggol like a dreadful plague, spreading the Curse of Flesh until it devoured all native life forms, replacing them with the eldritch spawn of the Old God. This temple, once a place of worship devoted to benevolent cosmic powers, now serves as a focus for the dark power of He Who Shapes, enabling him to spread his corruption beyond Yuggol to the rest of the Voidlands.


The Sons of Silence have directed the heroes of Azeroth to this place of power, one of several that serves to strengthen He Who Shapes. If the Halls of Silence can be purged of the corrupt servants of the Old Gods, then the primary fortress of the Shaper will become vulnerable to a direct assault. But the corrupted temple is fiercely protected by some of the most twisted and insane monsters that the Old God commands.

Storyline and Encounters

The Sons of Silence direct the heroes of Azeroth into the temple, and accompany the heroes to aid them, at least at first. One by one the Sons succumb to the strange and terrible creatures that infest the temple.

Gluttok the Corpsemaker

  • Gluttok yells: You wish to test your flesh agaist Gluttok?! Very well! Prepare for slaughter!

The cursewrack warrior Gluttok defends the inner gate of the Halls of Silence, slaughtering any who trespass with his revolting living blade. His past victims decorate the gate chamber, a testament to his deadly skill.

Wayib'Zul, Hound of the Nameless Days

  • N'raqi Darkspeaker yells: He will devour every day of your existence! All that you are will unravel, as every moment of your life drowns in the dark depths of the Void!

A ferocious monster summoned by the faceless ones to prowl the depths of the Halls of Silence. Its very presence distorts the natural flow of time, creating pockets of temporal distortions that can slow time, freeze it, or even move it forwards and back. The Curse of Flesh festers throughout the abominable form of this creature.

Wysp'Ar, Devourer of Screams

  • The sound around you dwindles into utter silence. Something horrible approaches...

As the heroes of Azeroth penetrate deeper into the Halls of Silence, they discover a chamber strangely free of the flesh cursegrowths that infest the rest of the temple. However, something dark and malicious haunts the area, something that has been stirred to waking by the presence of mortal souls to feast upon. One of the mysterious voiceless ones, Void-born eldritch entities even more enigmatic than the faceless ones.

Construct of Corruption

  • The mass of corrupted flesh twitches and seethes with malice...

This odious fiend is an abomination born from the fleshgrowths infested the Halls of Silence that have absorbed sufficient negative energy to become active, tearing itself free from its fleshy womb to assault the trespassers directly.

The Pestilent Coven

  • Galog the Blightweaver yells: And Grandfather Y'Uurd visited ten thousand plagues upon them...
  • Dirzak the Verminous yells: Accept the corruption. Be molded by His Hundred Hands.
  • Kalok the Foul yells: Join us in glorious life, or face a hideous death.

Within the Halls, a trio of spell-casting Cursewrack known as the Pestilent Coven are carrying out a black ritual to deal with the intruders in their Old God master's domain. If they are allowed to carry out their spellwork, a horrific magical disease will be unleashed upon all the mortals fighting He Who Shapes' eldritch hordes.

Malastryx, Faded Lord of Azj'Aqir

  • Malastryx yells: The light of this place is long extinguished. Only the darkness of the Void remains.

Long ago, the aqiri hordes of He Who Shapes fought against the final native defenders of Yuggol within this very temple. The last brave mortal defender of sanity and light struck a fatal blow against the great aqir abomination, the Faded Lord Malastryx, driving her blade through the carapace of the fiend and smashing apart its brain before she was dragged down and slain by the insectile hordes. Though the aqir was killed, however, his hatred and black power could not die, and it haunts the Halls of Silence as an undying wraith, tainting the surrounding area with his eternal malice.