User:GoldenYak/Lunar Vale

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NeutralLunar Vale
Level: 95
Sk x3 splash.png
Location The Blue Child Moon

Related to Spider Kingdom Expansion Concept

Lunar Vale is a zone located on Azeroth's smallest moon, the Blue Child. Here can be found many strange and unusual creatures, as well as the observatory of Algalon, agent of the Titans.


After the return of Tyr to the watchers of Ulduar, the decision was made to contact Algalon for information and assistance regarding the threat of the Spider Kingdom. Tyr made available to the mortal races of Azeroth the Lunar Gate of Ulduar, allowing them to journey to the Blue Child moon.


The Shaping of the World

After the Titans tore down the black empires of the Old Gods and bound their writhing chaos beneath the world, they went about shaping primordial Azeroth, as they had shaped other worlds before. They sculpted mountains, dredged out seas, built their sprawling city-complexes, their efforts ultimately culminating in the great continent of Kalimdor, which held all their finest works.

But the Titans were ever aware of the potential for destruction that the Old Gods represented. Their chaotic nature threatened to introduce unacceptable system corruption in the works of the Titans. To guard against corruption, the Titans knew they would have to keep one piece of the world apart from all the others, ensuring it could never be touched by the tendrils of corruption. Thus, they drew material from the far reaches of the solar system and sculpted the two great moons of Azeroth, the White Lady and the Blue Child.

Upon the smaller moon the Titans built a great facility, one that would monitor Azeroth from a distance, safe and untouched. An Observatory.

Goblin Ingenuity


Thousands of years ago, the goblins of Kezan developed a high level of advanced technology due to the mineral known as kaja'mite. The mineral boosted the intelligence of the goblins, allowing them to achieve technological feats that have yet to be replicated by any of Azeroth's other races. When their sources of kaja'mite began to dwindle, the goblin civilization's growth halted, and the goblins began a frantic search for more of the valuable mineral. With their intelligence dwindling, the goblins began to lose the ability to maintain their existing technology. Many of their advanced machines were dismantled or hidden away beneath Kezan, fearing that a less-enlightened goblin race would miss-use such dangerous technology.

At the height of their civilization's technological development, a cadre of goblin engineers created a rocket-powered vessel designed for spaceflight. It was to be their crowning glory and salvation - a vessel that would bridge the vast distance between Azeroth and other worlds. The goblins intended to travel to the Blue Child moon, where they also hoped to find a new supply of kaja-mite. The vessel successfully reached the moon, but a slight miscalculation due to their dwindling intelligence left the goblin crew permanently stranded there.

Resigned to their fate, the goblins began to explore what would be their new home. After a long series of misadventures, the survivors came to the vast Observatory built by the Titans. With great trepidation, the goblins slowly made their way through the immense glass halls, finally coming to the heart of the facility. There the goblins felt a presence unlike anything they'd ever encountered before - vast, all-knowing, all-encompassing... neither kind, nor cruel, but unfathomably old. This presence sensed something within the goblins... something that might be put to a higher purpose.

The goblins were changed utterly by this presence. The slow reduction of their intelligence was spectacularly reversed, and then boosted far beyond its previous limits. The goblins became enlightened beings of great intellect, sharing in a fraction of the presence's immense knowledge. Refined far beyond their chaotic and unstable origins, the goblins became a new people - the nilbogs, a complete reversal of their brethren left behind on Azeroth. To this day, the nilbogs have served the presence of the Observer they felt all those years ago, following its imperatives to preserve the balance of the Blue Child Moon and forever monitor their former homeworld.

Algalon's Vigil

Algalon the Observer, servant of the Titans, had served his masters faithfully for a length of time unfathomable to mortals. His most recent duty took him to Azeroth, where from his Observatory upon the Blue Child Moon he determined that the world that had held such promise eons ago had become rotten with the corruption of the Old Gods. Its Titan-made defensive systems failing, Algalon made the decision to travel to Ulduar and instigate Re-Origination - the destruction of all extant life on Azeroth so that the world could be re-made.

Algalon's mission was thwarted by a band of mortal heroes, who fought the mighty watcher to a stand-still in Ulduar. Impressed by the devotion of the mortal races to the protection of their world, Algalon reversed his decision to unmake Azeroth and retreated from the world, returning to his Observatory. He has remained there ever since, analyzing his experiences and continuing to watch over the fascinating world that is Azeroth. He has seen the world brought to the very brink of annihilation, and many times has doubted his decision to place his trust in the mortal races, but has also borne witness to fantastic feats of bravery, compassion, and justice, moving his soul in ways it has not experienced in all his millennia-long existence.

Now, the mortals have come to Algalon's very doorstep, and with them has come great evil and chaos. The time will come when Algalon must once again decide to stand with the people of Azeroth, or call for their utter annihilation.

For now, though... Algalon merely watches.


The Lunar Vale is a hauntingly beautiful valley situated in the untamed wilds of the Blue Child moon. Grey-blue cliffs of stone and chalk and clay overlook sprawling, verdant forests of alien plant-growth and vibrant blue foliage, both of which contribute to the color of the moon seen from afar.

Deep below the towering trees are deep crevasses and fissures that run with water sources, forming deep sunken swamps and rivers. All manner of bizarre lifeforms dwell in these waters.

On the distant southern cliffs, the spires of Algalon's Observatory fill the horizon with shimmering. The Titan-made structures of the Observatory are a reflection of the great Titan city of Ulduar, wrought in shining glass and suspended starlight.

Lunar Vale's Regions

  • Cerulean Overlook - The sweeping blue stone plateau where the Lunar Gate to Ulduar can be found. Friendly nilbogs are present here to welcome the mortal guests to the moon.
  • Crashed Ship - The vessel that brought ancient goblin explorers to the moon. It was been deactivated and mostly dismantled by their descendants, the nilbogs, who are quite content to remain where they are.
  • Cobalt Sierras - Rocky mountains overlooking the rest of the Lunar Vale. Many stone elementals can be found here who have taken on strange properties from the moon rocks.
  • The Shimmerholt - A vast and verdant blue jungle, filling much of the Lunar Vale. The array of flora and wildlife, with many species unknown to Azeroth, is staggering.
  • Azurebreen Lows - Crevasses riddle the lower jungle floors of the Shimmerholt, forming countless swampy canyons filled with water-dwelling life. Some of the shrimp can be dangerously large...
  • Crash Site - A still-smouldering heap of wreckage, this sorry looking vessel brought a cadre of crazed gnomes to the moons a short time ago. The surrounding regions have been dangerously polluted.
  • Urgan Roo - A swampy glade, home to the mushroom-like folk called the Mycost. Nearby are many deep caverns, infested with hostile fungus-based life.
  • Valley of the Titans - To the far south-east, an immense canyon valley stretches as far as the eye can see, filled with blue mist. The forms of colossal giants can be seen moving in the distance...
  • Observer's Vaults - The deepest levels of Algalon's Observatory, where numerous dangerous intruders from the Twisting Nether have been imprisoned.
  • Observer's Terrace - A great city of the Titans, built in the high cliffs overlooking the Lunar Vale. Within dwells Algalon the Observer, mightiest of the Titan's servitors.

Allies and Enemies

A host of new creatures can be encountered. Some of them might not try to kill you right away.

  • Nilbogs - Related to the goblin race, these beings are highly intelligent, cultured, altruistic, and generous... though a little snooty. They help maintain Algalon's Observatory.
  • Cobalt Tolv'ir - Servants of the Titans, these stone-skinned cat-folk built Algalon's Observatory, and still maintain many of its foundations and inner workings.
  • Mycost - A race of mushroom-like humanoids who dwell in the lowland swamps of Urgan Roo. They exist in a variety of different forms, but are all one race.
  • Lunar Treant - Tree-folk formed from the unusual plant-life growing on the moon. They are highly intelligent, especially their ancient elders. However, while younger treants can speak normally, the older tree-folk become less flexible in their old age, and can only speak their own names.
  • Lunar Elementals and Giants - Elementals formed of living moon-rock can be found along the rocky plateaus of the Cobalt Sierra, while gigantic Lunar Giants dwell in the Valley of the Titans to the south.
  • Titan Golems and Mechano-gnomes - Many Titan-made servitors can be found throughout the Lunar Vale. They maintain the stability of the Vale and the Titan technology therein, often with extreme prejudice.

Some threats found in the Lunar Vale are not native to the land - worse, they may be horribly familiar...

  • Twilight Cult Invaders - Somehow, agents of the Twilight Cult have managed to make their way to the Lunar Vale. They seem to be targeting Algalon's Observatory.
  • Burning Legion Prisoners - The lower vaults of Algalon's Observatory contain several demonic prisoners that the Observer personally rounded up. Agents of the Twilight Cult released them to cause havoc.
  • Ethereal Intruders - A band of troublesome ethereal bandits have taken advantage of recent chaos to infiltrate Algalon's Observatory, looking for extremely valuable Titan-technology to pilfer.
  • Moon Gnomes - Centuries ago, after the goblins landed on the moon, a band of crazed gnomish inventors used forbidden technology to follow them. Stranded and insane, they've degenerated quite horribly...


  • Algalon's Observatory - Algalon's sanctum, where he watches over Azeroth. The Twilight Scourge have invaded here, and Xarosan is attempting to assassinate Algalon.


  • Hemet Nesingwary's Expedition - Hunt down hordes of the nastiest moon monsters imaginable! For prestige!
  • Mycost Infestation - The mushroom men known as the Mycost spread their infestation through parasitic spores. They will overtake the entire moon if they aren't kept in check.
  • Crazed Moon Gnomes - The deranged moon gnomes are attempting to repair their damaged ship and return to Azeroth by stealing advanced Titan technology. Keep it out of their hands!
  • Lunar Elementals - The presence of the Twilight Cult is driving the local elementals into a frenzy. Stop the Twilight cultists and restore peace to the moon's elements.
  • Lunar Giants - A single lunar giant can cause untold havoc if it strays where it's not supposed to. Maintain peace in the Lunar Vale by keeping the giants away from it.
  • Mechano-gnomes and Titan Golems - The Titan servitors built to protect the cities and machines on the moon have gone a little haywire due to Twilight Cult tampering. Restore them to order.
  • Ethereal Intrusion - A band of opportunistic ethereals is causing trouble in the Lunar Vale. Kindly show them the door before they steal something truly valuable.
  • Twilight Cult Invasion - Twilight cultists are trying to break into Algalon's Observatory. Defend the sanctity of the Observer's home.
  • Burning Legion Breakout - A horde of demons has broken free from the Titan vaults below the surface. Stop them from escaping before they can wreak havoc back on Azeroth.