User:GoldenYak/Algalon's Observatory

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Algalon's Observatory
Algalon the Observer.jpg
Algalon's Observatory
Location Algalon's Observatory, Terrace of the Makers
End boss Algalon versus Xarosan encounter
Instance info
Type 95 Dungeon
Level 95
Player limit 5

Algalon's Observatory.


The Titans constructed the Observatory upon the Blue Child moon in order to safely monitor Azeroth from a distance. Algalon the Observer dwells within, contemplating the world that he was ordered to destroy, but moved to spare.

Dungeon Journal

Sitting atop the blue-stone hills of the Lunar Vale, the shimmering spires of Algalon's Observatory fill the horizon with glass and stars. From within this Titan-built city-complex, Algalon the Observer watches over Azeroth and its mortal races, contemplating the changes that the world has seen since its ancient shaping by the Titans.

Within the Observatory is a Titan archivum, containing all the information relating to the Old Gods trapped on Azeroth that the Titans have been able to gather over the millennia. The forces of the Twilight Cult have intruded upon the sanctity of the Observatory to seize this precious relic. They are led by Xarosan himself, who plans to personally eliminate Azeroth's greatest defender.



Shemhazi of the Ebon Hate

Twisted by the stirring voices of the Unspoken, the draenei mage Shemhazi has unlocked powerful, forbidden magicks from the ancient history of her lost homeworld Argus.

Nerlathotec, the Prince of Whispers

One of the dreaded Voiceless Ones. Amongst the unfathomable hierarchy of the Old Gods minions, Nerlathotec holds an exalted rank.

Ralgo Ebondrake

The Twilight Cult's deadliest assassins. This renegade of the Ravenholdt manor was excommunicated for causing too many unnecessary casualties. No Ravenholdt agent has been able to collect the bounty placed upon Ralgo's head - they have all fallen to his dragon-forged daggers.

Tribunal of Observation

Heroic Mode Only - Algalon's own archivum's defense mechanisms. The presence of the Twilight Cult has activated this formidable machine, and it will attack any but Algalon himself.

Algalon versus Xarosan

Xarosan launches a personal assault on Algalon in order to eliminate Azeroth's mightiest defender. Players must aid Algalon in repelling the Twilight invasion.


The Archivum of the Tribunal of Observation located in Algalon's Observatory is a Titan information repository, containing information gathered over the millennia for Algalon to analyze. Algalon will provide access to the Archivum after the Twilight Cult forces have been expelled from the Observatory.


Archivum System says: Observer access code confirmed. Access to the Archivum granted. Tribunal of Observation online and operational. Awaiting query.

Gossip What is the purpose of this place?

Archivum System says: The Observatory was constructed by the Makers to monitor the world of Azeroth, their greatest creation to date.

Gossip Why put it on the moon if you're supposed to be watching the world?

Archivum System says: The Observatory's systems are capable of monitoring the totality of all of Azeroth. Placing the facility on the secondary satellite ensures isolation from systemic corruption.

Gossip So the Observer spends all his time watching us from way out here?

Archivum System says: Observer Algalon has many duties that take him to many worlds. The world of Azeroth is only the latest in a series of many worlds that he has been called upon to judge.

Gossip A while back he was planning to destroy Azeroth and start all over again, but decided not to... I hope that hasn't changed?

Archivum System says: Analysis of systemic corruption has yielded troubling results. Re-Origination of Azeroth strongly recommended. However, Re-Origination protocol countermanded by Observer Algalon's override. Override still in effect. Re-Origination systems remain offline.

Gossip Well, that's a relief... listen, we've had a lot of trouble from followers of the Old Gods lately. Can you tell us what they're up to?

Archivum System says: High levels of activity detected from species designation 'nerubians'. Bio-form rife with systemic corruption. Lineage detected as belonging to species designation 'aqir'.

Gossip What are the aqir?

Archivum System says: The aqir - an insectoid species significantly mutated by the Old Gods. Their naturally occurring bio-matrix has been radically altered through systemic corruption. At the time of the Makers' arrival, they controlled significant portions of Azeroth's surface and sub-surface. The Makers made efforts to sterilize the species, but they proved exceptionally resilient and adaptable. Surviving populations of aqir relocated throughout Azeroth and developed into subspecies - nerubian, qiraji, mantid.

Gossip So the aqir are all gone?

Archivum System says: Analysis detects etheric matrix of aqir species remains persistent. Etheric matrices are manipulating actions of their descendant bioforms.

Gossip So the nerubians are being controlled by aqir... ghosts?

Archivum System says: An accurate if simplistic assessment.

Gossip What are they trying to do?

Archivum System says: Analysis indicates strong probability of core reality breach in progress. Metastasis is occurring.

Gossip Reality Breach? Metastasis?

Archivum System says: In simple terms - the aqir are attempting to introduce an additional necrophotic symbiote to Azeroth.

Gossip They're bringing in a, er... new Old God?

Archivum System says: Necrophotic symbiote designation - Zorm-Nergal. Colloquial alias - the Unspoken. Historical analysis indicates presence of this necrophotic symbiote in earliest phases of Azeroth's infestation. Designate Zorm-Nergal was ejected from Azeroth by other necrophotic symbiotes prior to arrival of the Makers.

Gossip So the Unspoken is an Old God that the other Old Gods got rid of?

Archivum System says: Another accurate if simplistic assessment.

Gossip Sounds like bad news. How are the aqir planning to do this?

Archivum System says: Analysis indicates that aqir have instigated an incarnation event - that is to say, they have developed a suitable bio-form containment for necrophotic symbiote designate Yogg-Saron. Necrophotic energy state has incarnated within bio-form. Result - symbiote Yogg-Saron exists in physical from once again. Designation - King of Darkness.

Gossip Why did the aqir bring back Yogg-Saron?

Archivum System says: Designate King of Darkness possesses unknown capabilities not available to previous incarnation. Hypothesis - the King of Darkness will instigate the final stages of the core reality breach, introducing symbiote designate Zorm-Nergal to Azeroth.

Gossip So they needed one Old God to bring in another... how do we stop them?

Archivum System says: Hypothesis - immediate adjudication of King of Darkness should result in a halt of core reality breach.

Gossip Take out the King of Darkness, and stop the aqir. Got it.

Archivum System says: Were this archivum capable of independent cognition, it would extend to you earnest wishes for relevant probability in favor of your endeavors. In simple terms - good luck.

Gossip Uh... thanks.

Archivum System says: Archivum entering standby mode. Have a pleasant day.