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This article is a player character biography page for Fingal of Thorium Brotherhood US created by FingalMcGowan.

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Faction Alliance
Gender Male
Level 85
Race Dwarf
Class Priest
Talent Spec Discipline
Professions Tailoring & Enchanting
Realm Thorium Brotherhood US
Guild Dark Haven


Fingal McGowan

Fingal McGowan is of typical stature for a Wildhammer dwarf with dark red hair and a well kept beard reaching well beyond his belt. Despite his travels all over Azeroth and Draenor, he is well groomed and maintains a very clean appearance due to his priestly duties as healer. An obsidian necklace depicting a hammer suspended in a beam of light hangs around his neck--A gift from his family and a reminder of his heritage. He has deft fingers and is skilled in the crafting of many fabrics and garments, which is a service he often provides for free to any who ask. He often finds this useful in the care of the wounded. His faith has also allowed him to occasionally imbue items with additional magical properties, though he rarely does so. Fingal maintains a disciplined physical routine as well as daily training in martial arts. As a result, he is more physically capable than your typical priest. Many unruly fights ended with both sides being laid low by his unsuspecting stature and station. Slow to anger and quick to forgive, Fingal always tries to lead by example--resorting to a swift kick in the shins when all else fails.

Born during the early stages of the settlement in Aerie Peak, he grew up with a typical reverence to nature like all of his clan. He especially loved the Gryphons and the Elite Gryphon Riders, hoping to join their ranks one day. Fingal received his call to the Holy Light while working under his father, Cailin, a well know maker of the famous stormhammers. His family accepted his path and allowed him to pursue his faith further in Stormwind at the Cathedral of Light. Given his unusual background and habit of wanderlust, the church decided to dispense with the normal requirements of service and allowed him to travel the land, brining the Holy Light wherever he was called. He most notably assisted in the opening of the gates of Ahn'Qiraj.

Through the years he has served with many heroes of the Alliance but eventually came to join a group of like minded adventures called Dark Haven. Shortly before the Dark Portal was reopened, many of the leadership were brutally killed by Thaddius in Naxxramas...Fingal and his companions were left to pick up the pieces. Eventually they returned to Naxxramas and avenged their fallen companions. The guild remains today--small but strong. Fingal leads the Council of Elders for Dark Haven and hopes to bring glory and hope to all of Azeroth in this tumultuous time.

External links

Fingal on the Armory

Dark Haven