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This article is a player character biography page

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Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Thraknor Alliance Kargath IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Paladin Paladin 31 None


Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank

This archaeologist knows how to party, and take hits. He once withstood 10 orcs at once without even flinching. He is mostly a Protection Spec Paladin


Thraknor as he appears in World of Warcraft

Name: Thraknor Stoneskin

Race: Dwarf

Class: Paladin

Rank: Private

Age: 240

Height: 3' 4"

Weight: 215 lbs.

Faction: Alliance


Thraknor woke up one day in a bar with no memory of his past. There, he met Donmy who promised to help him figure out his past if he became a founding member of the Protectors of The Light. Thraknor agreed and so they began their search. By interrogating the patrons and innkeeper, they were able to determine that Thraknor had been dropped off by some cloaked figures. By investigating this they were able to find out that The Dark Iron Dwarves were re-emerging from their mountains and were conducting experiments on dwarf civilians. The nature of these experiments was to re-create the dwarves of old. Powerful warriors with solid rock bodies known as earthen. Thraknor had been captured and used in these experiments, but was deemed a "failure" and had his memory wiped and dumped in their prison. Unable to determine how he had escaped, Thraknor and Donmy journeyed to Blackrock Depths in order to discover the truth.

Thraknor in his Epic Armor Set

During this delve into Blackrock Mountain, they found that Thraknor had fallen unconscious in his cell, but had been rescued by Marshal Windsor's expedition who were unfortunately trapped afterward. Also found in the prison was a shadow priest named Haden Darkweaver, who in return joined them on thier exploration. No knowledge could be found about the ones who brought Thraknor to the inn, but he didn't care. He wanted revenge against The Dark Irons but Donmy told him the evils that followed revenge and introduced Thraknor to the ways of the Paladin.

Another discovery was that the experiments had given Thraknor's skin a rock-like quality. Fleshy and normal-looking, but solid like the earthen. The group of two were not strong enough to go deeper into Blackrock Depths but have made plans to end it's threat once and for all once Thraknor has recovered fully.

After this event, Donmy and Thraknor were sent on a mission to discover what had happened to some missing paladins and messengers sent to the Scarlet Crusade. This mission resulted in Donmy meeting Amberlin Armsman, the daughter of a High Priest that Lord Chaos had killed. She held a grudge against Donmy and upon learning about Lord Chaos, swore to get revenge. Donmy managed to persuade her that it was foolish. Later on in this mission, they met a Scarlet solder named Darkkil Grein. Together, the four discovered the corruption of the Crusade, and found out that Darkhammer, Donmy's former teacher was still alive and was organizing the corruption. Donmy, enraged by this betrayal, unleashed a fury of attacks and uncovered the truth that Darkhammer had sold his soul to The Legion. The adventurers faught hard and eventually overcame the traitor. But afterward, Donmy went off alone and wasn't seen until the next day...

Recently, Thraknor has gone on a mission with Mazze Netherblade to free Darkkill's body from Arthas' possesion.


Thraknor is very happy-going. His life has been good to him and once he had discovered his past, he felt whole again. There are times when he will get really angry and lose control of himself, but he is usually calm. He tends to become snarky and crack wise to his enemies and when the going gets tough, he gets tougher. He is an explosives genious and will look for any opportunity to make a big kaboom. He has always tried to be there for Donmy, and never misses a chance to outdrink Aluriea.

He is determined to end the Dark Iron threat once and for all, but doesn't mind taking his time. After all, who wants to be all stressed out?