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This article is a player character biography page

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Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Mazze Alliance Kargath IconSmall Human Male.gif Warlock Warlock 72 None


Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank

One of the very few warlocks who protects The Light, he is perfect for undercover missions. His minion, Thoothun has served him well for many battles. He is mostly a Demonology Spec Warlock.


Name: Mazze Netherblade

Race: Human

Class: Warlock

Age: 25

Height: 6' 4"

Weight: 180 lbs.

Faction: Alliance


Mazze hasn't confided much of his history with anyone. What is known is that he used to unknowingly serve a dark lord, before Donmy Deesic rescued him.