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Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Darkkill Alliance Kargath IconSmall Human Male.gif Paladin Paladin 78 None


Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank

Intrigued by the story of Arthas, he has made it his goal in life to kill the Lich King. He is mostly a Holy Spec Paladin


Name: Darkkill

Race: Human

Class: Paladin

Age: 24

Height: 6' 4"

Weight: 195 lbs.

Faction: Alliance


Ever since Darkkill can remember, he's wanted to become a paladin and defeat Arthas. When he finally became of age, he immediately underwent training under Sir Mestophus. Mestophus was a paladin of the Scarlet Crusade and taught Darkkill the ways of The Light. Once he became the right level of paladin, Darkkill was released from Mestophus' training and sent to the Scarlet Monastery to begin his service. Welcomed by Granis Darkhammer, the monastery's lord. He was escorted to his new room and sent to Scarlet Camp #6. Not much later, however, a Scourge strike team attacked the camp and killed most of the soldiers. The scarlets were forced to retreat to a nearby tower and barracade themselves inside, leaving the captain to hold them off.

Darkkill in his Epic Armor Set

Darkkill ran up to the top of the tower and killed the Scourge general with Holy Shock. The Scourge leutenent, however, managed to stab the captain and Darkkill jumed down from the tower and crushed the undead with his hammer. The dying captain told Darkkill to report the attack to the monastery, and so Darkkill left.

During his trek towards the monastery, Darkkill fell upon a Scourge ambush. Knowing that he didn't stand a chance, he tried to escape, but was captured and brought before the Death Knight leader. The leader revealed that they were waiting for him and that he would soon get his wish of meeting the Lich King. Before the undead could lock him up, however, an abomination came over and grabbed him. Darkkill tried to break free, but the abomination spoke to him. It turned out that two paladins and a rogue were inside the abomination trying to sneak past the Scourge camp. Still being chased by the undead, they ditched the cumbersome disguise and ran. Hiding behind some nearby trees, they were able to lose their persuers.

The human paladin introduced himself as Donmy Goldensun, the dwarf paladin as Thraknor Stoneskin, and the rogue as Amberlin. Together, they discovered the corruption of the Crusade, and found out that Darkhammer, who was Donmy's old teacher, was organizing the corruption. Donmy, enraged by this betrayal, unleashed a fury of attacks and uncovered the truth that Darkhammer had sold his soul to The Legion. The four companions faught hard and eventually overcame the traitor. But afterward, Donmy went off alone and wasn't seen until the next day...

Since then, Darkkill has quit the Scarlet Crusade and joined the Protectors of The Light. He has become Donmy's newest pupil and best friend. His talents have aided the guild in more ways than can be counted. He still dreams of one day defeating the Lich King and will not rest until he does so.

Recently, Darkkill led an assualt on Arthas and was thought to have killed him, only to find that the Lich King had possesed his body in order to lure Donmy and turn him into a death knight. His spirit is being hunted down by the Scourge warlock Necropal and is trying to be saved by Thraknor and Mazze Netherblade.


He is a very joyous person. He always loves to make a joke and hates being serious. He is always there for Donmy and loves to hang out with him. Always smooth with the ladies, he is the ultimate playboy. Ready for a battle with the Lich King's forces at any time, this paladin will heal up a storm.