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This article is a player character biography page for Azumi of Frostmourne US created by deliaren.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Faction [[Horde]]
Gender Male
Level 85
Race [[IconSmall Troll Male.gif]]
Class [[Hunter Hunter]]
Talent Spec Survival / Marksmanship
Professions Mining / Skinning
Realm Frostmourne US
Guild Apostle


Azumi is a level 85 IconSmall Troll Male.gif Hunter Hunter in the realm of Emerald Dream US of the guild Objection. He is specced as SurvivalSurvival / MarksmanshipMarksmanship. He transferred from Jubei'Thos US on 23 January 2011. Before he was also from Khaz Modan US until he was transferred to Jubei'Thos US on 10 November 2010. In Jubei'Thos US he was a part of raiding guild Love Power Truth before transferring to Emerald Dream US. The reason he began playing World of Warcraft more devotedly was because of his friends that he met in Team Fortress 2. His friend moved from Khaz Modan US to Jubei'Thos US due to the fact that they believed it was a dying realm and also because he had friends also in Jubei'Thos US. Sentience soon followed to Jubei'Thos US however he did not manage to catch up in terms of equipment to do raiding, he also disliked some of his friends there and felt left out of the guild. He decided then to join his other friends in Emerald Dream US and joined the clan Objection with his friends. Many of Objection member left due to real life commitments and thus around the beginning of March he moved to Frostmourne US and had changed his name from Sentience to Azumi. He then joined the raiding guild Apostle and had begin to raid Bastion of Twilight and Blackwing Descent.

Other games

Sentience (Cobalt/Deliaren outside World of Warcraft) has played other games other than World of Warcraft. Games such as MMOs like Aion, Final Fantasy XI, Guild Wars. Also FPS' such as Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike 1.6, Counter-Strike: Source and RTS's such as Starcraft II, Warcraft 3 and the Command & Conquer Series.

He is known to play Team Fortress 2 in Asia competitively in the Asiafortress League and was well known for being the former co-captain of the now-defunct team, Xtremely Generic Name. He has won the Division 2 Title in Asiafortress League Season 3 with Xtremely Generic Name before he left for personal reasons and joined as a member of the shortly-lived team, Invalidity. However the team did not fare well and decided to part ways. He eventually joined Team Rocket and played in the Asiafortress League Season 4.

External links



Love Power Truth

--Deliaren (talk) 05:52, 10 February 2011 (UTC)