User:Dekermen/Karg Wolfeye

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HordeKarg Wolfeye
Image of Karg Wolfeye
Title <The Hunter, Grand Warlord>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 90
Class Hunter, Raider
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Horde, Orgrimmar, Frostwolf clan
Former affiliation(s) Whiteclaw clan
Occupation Champion of Orgrimmar
Location Pandaria
Status Alive

Karg Wolfeye is an orc hunter in service of the Horde. He is one of the few survivors of the Whiteclaw clan. Karg is know for his hunt abilities, being the best back on Draenor.


Rise of the Horde

Before the First War, the Whiteclaw clan protested the changes to the orcish way of life by Gul'dan and the Horde. As a result of their sympathies to the Frostwolf clan, they were easy targets for the bolder and more violent clans, and were consequently attacked. The Whiteclaws were destroyed, and any surviving members were scattered, Karg being one of them. He led the survivors to Nagrand and joined the Frostwolf clan. He became close friends with both Durotan and Orgrim Doomhammer. With the Horde's opinion turning against Durotan and the Frostwolves for his public defiance of Warchief Blackhand and his refusal to partake of the Blood of Mannoroth — or allow any of his clan to do so — the Frostwolves were eventually exiled into the Alterac Mountains.

Lord of the Clans

Apparently accepting their fate, the Frostwolf Clan settled deep in a hidden valley in the Alterac Mountains, far to the north of the Kingdom of Azeroth. There they lived throughout the First War. While there, Drek'Thar had forsaken the path of the warlock and was able to regain the favor of the spirits, and return to shamanism. His aid would be invaluable in surviving in the harsh lands which the Frostwolves now called home; in addition to ensuring that the encampment was not flooded in the spring thaw, they also befriended the white wolves that made the valley their home. After the assassination of Durotan and Draka, Karg became the prime adviser of Drek'Thar, the new chieftain of the Frostwolf.