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Image of Tokidormi
Gender Female
Race Bronze drake (Dragonkin)
Level Mount
Affiliation(s) Bronze dragonflight, Kurenai Redmoon
Location Various

Tokidormi is a bronze drake who serves as Kurenai Redmoon's flying mount.

She was originally sent by the Keepers of Time to investigate a temporal disturbance in Old Stratholme. In the process, she was intercepted by an agent of the infinite dragonflight and nearly turned into one of them, when a group of adventurers intervened and slew the corruptor. One of these adventurers turned out to be the night elf Kurenai Redmoon, to whom Tokidormi would pledge her loyalty to for helping rescuing her.

Today, Tokidormi and Kurenai together travel the lands of Azeroth and beyond to seek adventure, and to fight on behalf of the helpless. She is more than just an airborne transporter to Kurenai — she's also a trusted travelling companion.