User:Coobra/Felix Whizzlespark

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NeutralFelix Whizzlespark
Image of Felix Whizzlespark
Title <Engineer>
Gender Male
Race Gnome
Level 58
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Counting Society of Azeroth
Occupation Engineer
Location Darnassus
Status Alive
Relative(s) Niobe Whizzlespark (sister)

Felix Whizzlespark

This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Felix Whizzlespark is a gnome engineer that has been in the CSA for some time. He's the genius behind most of the equipment made just for the agents of the society. At the end of the agents training, Whizzlespark provides the agent with his/her first helper to count creatures, the [Targeting Eye].

After the agent has had time to gain experience and survive long enough to make to further into the ranks, the agent will be allowed to make their very own [Tagging Gun]. Whizzlespark will teach them how to use the Forging Table and show the agent what is required, as Whizzlespark will not provide anything else, except knowledge.

When the agent has gone even further up the ranks they will be taught how to create a better more durable eye. The [Tracker's Eye].

From then on every time the agent moves up in rank they will be taught an upgrade to their eye, if an upgrade is available.


Felix makes the casings needed to craft an eye.