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This article is a player character biography page for Choonster of Frostmourne US created by Choonster_TheMage.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Image of Choonster
<Corvus Canis>, formerly <Durotar NOOB Patrol>
Realm Frostmourne US
Title the Insane
Race Dwarf
Class Mage
Talents Frost
Profession(s) Tailoring, Inscription
Mount(s) Onyx Netherwing Drake, Mekgineer's Chopper, Traveller's Tundra Mammoth

Chat Macros

Item Link

/run SendChatMessage("First half of message ",GetItemInfo(ItemID)).." Second half of message","CHANNEL",nil,GetChannelName("Trade - City"))

This will output the following to Trade:

First half of message [ItemLink] Second half of message

Change ItemID to the ID of the item you want to link. ItemIDs can be found on the end of the Armory or Wowhead URL of that item's page.

Random Phrases

/cast Spell
/run SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("Phrase1","Phrase 2","Phrase 3",etc.),"ChatTypeId",languageID,"Channel")

Replace the bold/underlined fields with the appropriate values.
"PhraseX" = "Eat hot lava, creep!", etc. Put as many phrases as you want in here, each contained in quotation marks and separated by commas.
"ChatTypeId" = Type of Chat
languageID = languageID or nil for Orcish (Common for Alliance)
"Channel" = Numeric value of a chat channel for ChatTypeId="CHANNEL" or player name for ChatTypeId="WHISPER"

The last three fields can be omitted if you just want the phrases in /s in Orcish.

Emotes or chat channels:

/equipset [spec:1]sub;throw
/run SendChatMessage(1==GetActiveSpecGroup()and"Replace this with the message to send while in your primary spec ([spec:1])"or"Replace this with the message to send while in your secondary spec ([spec:2])","EMOTE")

Replace EMOTE with any other Chat Type ID if you don't want /e messages. If using a chat channel or whisper, replace the second nil in each SendChatMessage() with the channel number or name to whisper (name has to be in quotation marks). Replace the emboldened/underlined phrases with the appropriate messages.

Chat Frame Message (only visible to you):

/equipset [spec:1]sub;throw
/run print(1==GetActiveSpecGroup()and"Replace this with the message to send while in your primary spec ([spec:1])"or"Replace this with the message to send while in your secondary spec ([spec:2])")

Replace the emboldened/underlined phrases with the appropriate messages.

In both macros you can replace GetActiveSpecGoup()==1 with a different function for a different conditional.

Cooldown chat macros

Cooldown Chat Message

/run local S,B,D="Spell Name"B,D=GetSpellCooldown(S)SendChatMessage(format("%s has %d seconds left on its cooldown.",S,B+D-GetTime()),"ChatTypeId",nil,"Channel")

Duration Chat Message

/run local S,B,C,D="Spell Name"B,D=GetSpellCooldown(S)C=B+D-GetTime()SendChatMessage(format(C<X and"%s has %d seconds remaining."or"%s is inactive.",S,X-C),"ChatTypeId",nil,"Channel")

Cooldown Chat Frame Message (only visible to you)

/run local S,B,D="Spell Name"B,D=GetSpellCooldown(S)print(format("%s has %d seconds left on its cooldown.",S,B+D-GetTime()))

Duration Chat Frame Message (only visible to you)

/run local S,B,C,D="Spell Name"B,D=GetSpellCooldown(S)C=B+D-GetTime()print(format(C<X and"%s has %d seconds remaining."or"%s is inactive.",S,X-C))

Replace the bold/underlined fields with the appropriate values:
Spell Name = Name of spell to base message on
ChatTypeid = ChatTypeId
Channel = Numeric value of chat channel or name of person to whisper (name must be in quotation marks)
X = Spell cooldown - Spell duration (in seconds)

Companion Macros

Random pet


Random favourite pet




Mount Macros

Indices are explained here.

Completely random mounts

/run local m="MOUNT"if not IsMounted()and IsOutdoors()then CallCompanion(m,random(GetNumCompanions(m)))end

Random mounts from a specified pool

/run if not IsMounted()and IsOutdoors()then CallCompanion("MOUNT",GetRandomArgument(i1,i2,i3,i4,etc.))end

Replace i1,i2,i3,i4,etc. with the indices of your mounts.

Smart random flyer/ground mount

/run local g=GetRandomArgument if not IsMounted()and IsOutdoors()then CallCompanion("MOUNT",IsFlyableArea()and g(f1,f2,f3,f4,etc.)or g(g1,g2,g3,g4,etc.))end

Replace f1,f2,f3,f4,etc. with the indices of your flying mounts and g1,g2,g3,g4,etc. with the indices of your ground mounts.

Smart random aquatic/flyer/ground mount

/run if IsOutdoors() and not IsMounted()then local g,z=GetRandomArgument,GetRealZoneText()CallCompanion("MOUNT",(z=="Kelp'thar Forest"or z=="Shimmering Expanse"or z=="Abyssal Depths"or z=="Vashj'ir")and IsSwimming()and not IsModifierKeyDown()and s or IsFlyableArea()and g(f1,f2,f3,f4,etc.)or g(g1,g2,g3,g4,etc.)

Replace f1,f2,f3,f4,etc. with the indices of your flying mounts, g1,g2,g3,g4,etc. with the indices of your ground mounts and s with the index of your Seahorse (usually 1).

This is only useful when you get the Seahorse from Vashj'ir at 80 or above. It also won't fit in a regular macro and as such requires an AddOn like BindPad or Ion that allows for longer macros.

Random companion and smart random flyer/ground mount

/run local g=GetRandomArgument SummonRandomCritter()if not IsMounted()and IsOutdoors()then CallCompanion("MOUNT",IsFlyableArea()and g(f1,f2,f3,f4,etc.)or g(g1,g2,g3,g4,etc.))end

Replace f1,f2,f3,f4,etc. with the indices of your flying mounts and g1,g2,g3,g4,etc. with the indices of your ground mounts.

Weapon Macros

Main/Off Hand Weapon Swap Macro

Make an equipment set called WeaponAMain with WeaponA in your main hand, WeaponB in your off hand and all other slots ignored.
Make another set called WeaponBMain with WeaponB in your main hand, WeaponA in your off hand and all other slots ignored.

/run UseEquipmentSet(GetItemInfo(GetInventoryItemID("player",16))=="WeaponA")and"WeaponBMain"or"WeaponAMain")

Replace the emboldened/underlined parts with the appropriate names.

Shaman Weapon Imbue Macro

/use [@none]Imbue Name
/use 17
/click StaticPopup1Button1

This will enchant your off hand weapon, replace 17 with 16 for the main hand.

@none is the key to this macro, it tells a spell to cast at "no target", bringing up a blue-outline hand cursor that you can then click on something with to cast the spell at it.
/use 17 then acts as if you clicked on your off hand weapon, telling the macro to cast the imbue on it.
/click StaticPopup1Button1 then clicks the OK button on the confirmation popup.

You can use modifiers or mouse buttons if you want to have multiple imbues in the same macro.

Obsolete Macros

To view some of my older macros that are no longer compatible with WoW 5.X, click here