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Celinthia Aman'Aria
Image of Celinthia Aman'Aria
Gender Female
Race Blood elf
Class Hunter
Affiliation(s) Horde
Occupation Hunter, Tracker
Location The Broken House
Relative(s) None, all deceased.

Celinthia Aman'Aria

Celinthia is a noble from Silvermoon. Her high elf roots go way back. Her father was a mage, he had high hopes of one day being a Magister. This unfortunately never happened for him. Celinthia's noble father wasn't her true father anyway. Celinthia showed more of the personality and attitude of her biological father. Sinarainas Whitewind. Uncle Sin as she always called him was a farstrider. So it was only natural she would turn to that path as well, much to her other father's anger. After time to further his position with the Magisters in Silvermoon a marriage was arrange with another noble family also on their way up the ranks within the city. Celinthia balked at this marriage and ran away. Unfortunately that also happened to be the day the scourge ruined the city and her family was lost in the attack.


Celinthia is small and agile in her movements. Her skin is a bit darker than most blood elves, mainly because of her time spent outdoors. She stands proudly with a noble baring. Her hair hangs around her face is soft curls. She has a stubborn chin and a slightly upturned nose. Her right eye is now missing from a Raptor attack in Silvermoon while trying to protect a friend. A scar runs from the middle of her right eyebrow to her upper cheek from that one. She also has a scar from an arrow that pierced her left shoulder.


Celinthia is quite the character at times. She is quick witted and easy to talk to. Although if you listen carefully you can hear how unsure she is at times. She has a tendency to ramble when nervous or agitated.


The daughter of high ranking noble ambassadors and mages. Celinthia grew up in plush noble surroundings. The old city of Silvermoon was her home and she loved it. She lived like most nobles unaware of the happenings of anything beneath her, until the destruction of Silvermoon. While it gave her, her freedom from an arranged marriage it made her have to learn to live on her own. Joining the Farstriders to fight against her father's wishes, she was not there when her parents died as her home burned to the ground. She carries the guilt of not being there with them.

After that she wandered for quite some time doing odd jobs. Tracking those who owed unsavory types money and sometimes even assassinating them. Eventually she broke free from that life and joined a guild, Ordo Chaotika. Her time in the Ordo was long and she was sad when she watched her home dissipate to nothingness.

She has married a few times over loving each of her husbands equally. Now she calls The Broken House her home. She enjoys her now somewhat quiet life taking care of her many pets. Aphrodite, FrooFroo, Azrael and Israfel.


Celinthia is presently doing much of nothing. She takes odd jobs here and there if she is asked. She is an excellent tracker and has found a few missing persons along with ones who did not wish to be found.

Out Of Character Information