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Title <Walker of Worms>
Race Skinless One (Aberration)
Level Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Emerald Nightmare
Location Chamber of the Heart; Maw of Balor


Dungeon Journal

Naziir cheated his destruction at the hands of Balor by dispersing into a flood of coiling worms that ripped through the giant's stomach. Now, its cast-off parts are migrating within the chamber of Balor's heart, wrapping it in verminous strands, whispering darkness into its soul. This infestation must be rooted out here and now, for even if one minuscule worm survives, the festering soul of the Walker of Worms will live on to plague the Dream.



  • Spell holy consumemagic.png Shadow Breath Tank Alert — Breaths a large cone of dark energies centered on the tank, dealing shadow damage.
  • Spell druid massentanglement nightmare.png Prison of Nightmares Important — Constricts a random, non-tank player in worms, sending them into a terrible dream. Deals ticking shadow damage until the player is freed. The player's body is stationary within the real world but places their spirit into the Prison of Nightmares realm, where they can move around but their vision is hampered by darkness.
    • Ability warlock eradication.png Nightmare Stalkers — Large stalking creatures move about this dream in random patterns, dealing shadow damage to all they contact.
    • Ability druid flourish.png Pulse of Balor — Balor's soul reaches out to you, beckoning you back to the heart with its beating. Green waves of light, moving outward, are visible in the Prison of Nightmares realm even in the darkness, and by reaching their source, the play will be freed. As the battle goes on, Balor's pulse grows weaker and weaker, making it more difficult to locate.
  • Sha ability rogue envelopingshadows nightmare.png Whispers of Madness Healer Alert — Whispers deranged thoughts into all players' ears, causing them to deal AOE Shadow damage around them after a few seconds. Marks these locations with shadowy energy that is invisible to players.
  • Sha ability warrior bloodnova nightmare.png Fiendish Recollection — Causes all locations marked by the last usage of Whispers of Madness to erupt, dealing shadow damage to all inside.
  • Ability xavius corruptingnova.png Heartbreaker Damage Dealer Alert — Naziir attempts to draw strength from the heart, ripping a piece of its power away. This spawns a Broken Spirit near the heart that will move towards Naziir, restoring a portion of his health if it reaches him.
  • Sha spell shadow shadesofdarkness nightmare.png Heartflayer Tank Alert Damage Dealer Alert — Naziir casts Prison of Nightmares on the tank, moves into the center of the platform and begins channeling, calling a Massive Broken Spirit to spawn from the heart and begin moving towards him, healing him for a large portion and applying Angina to all players if it reaches him.
    • Spell brokenheart.png Angina — Deals shadow damage over time for the rest of the encounter.


  • Spell druid massentanglement nightmare.png Disperse Important — The boss disperses into a pile of coiling worms. This splits him up into Coils of Naziir and spawns pools of Writhing Worms. Destroying all the Coils of Naziir will summon Naziir back.
    • Ability hunter pet worm.png Coil of Naziir — A number of large worm adds will spawn across the platform.
      • Inv misc slime 02.png Shadow Retch — Spits congealed darkness at a random target, dealing shadow damage and increasing the damage they take by Shadow Retch for each stack.
      • Achievement boss yoggsaron 01.png Squirming Tide — Occasionally spawns an additional patch of Writhing Worms.
    • Inv misc volatileshadow.png Writhing Worms — Patches of worms that slowly migrate around the battlefield. If one touches a player, it disappears and inflicts Writhing Worms on them, dealing shadow damage over time for a set period of time.

Cardiac Arrest

Naziir gains back his abilities from phase 1, with some changes.

  • Ability xavius tormentingdetonation.png Arrhythmia Healer Alert — Balor's heart begins to fail, periodically inflicting a small shadow DOT for a short period of time to all players and increasing the damage they take from Arrhythmia.

Mythic Changes

  • Ability xavius nightmareinfusion.png Rapid Multiplication — During Dispersion, Naziir attempts to rapidly grow new worms. This gains stacks the longer Naziir is in the Dispersion phase, and upon returning to his true form, he gains the same amount of stacks of Bulk Up.
    • Ability xavius nightmareinfusion.png Bulk Up — Increases the amount of damage Naziir does by a certain amount per stack.
  • Ability xavius nightmareblades.png Fibrillation — Constricts Balor's heart during phase 3, causing his pulse to slacken and fail to guide players back from Prison of Nightmares.
    • Spell holy pureofheart.png A Light to Guide Home — When a player is trapped in the Prison of Nightmares, a pool of light will spawn in a random location. At least other 2 players must stand in this light to guide the player out, visible as golden waves of light through the darkened realm.