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Title <(Stag patriarch)>
Race Elk (Beast)
Level Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Beast
Location (Stag woods); Witchrise Coven


Dungeon Journal

Smoke-filled visions of a primeval past have revealed the first hunt; an antlered beast, pierced with hawthorne. The Heruli seek to hasten their greatest Wild Hunt yet, and they have scoured the memories of their timeless history to that end. They have chosen the great stag, Elkevir, as their prey, and have armed themselves with the ritualistic implements to ensure it's correct death. Even now, the beast has been swept into a frenzy, bludgeoning hunters with his massive antlers. For the protection of the Dream, he must be put to rest in a way that weakens the Hunt.


  • Ability druid prowl.png Experienced Prey — Elkevir has been hunted before and will be hunted again. He knows the tricks of the Heruli and is unaffected by Irontooth Traps.
  • Spell druid displacement.png Displacer Beast — Elkevir assumes a spiritual form that charges a random player at high speeds, casting Antler Crash upon reaching them.
    • Trade archaeology antleredcloakclasp.png Antler Crash — Elkevir rakes his antlers across a wide cone in front of him multiple times, dealing a large amount of physical damage each time.
  • Ability warstomp.png Massive Stomp — The boss rears up on its hind legs and then stomps down a few seconds later, dealing massive damage across a very wide area, and knocking back all players, regardless if hit. Will clear Irontooth Traps within the affected area.
  • Ability druid infectedwound.png Rack Em' Up —  Gores the primary target, dealing a large amount of damage. Impales the target on his horns if they are not using active mitigation.
    • Ability hunter combatexperience.png Impale — Impales the current target, hanging them from his antlers for a period of time, dealing physical damage over time.
  • Ability druid dash.png Primal Rush — Feeling cornered, Elkevir lashes out with primal rage, fixating on a random player. If the boss reaches the player, they will be Impaled. This removes Experienced Prey from the boss as long as he is in Primal Rush.

IconSmall WickerGolem.gif Hawthorne Trapper:
A Heruli trapper who jumps into the fray.

  • Inv pet pettrap02.png Irontooth Trap — Upon appearing from the brush, Hawthorne Trappers immediately throw out 3 Irontooth Traps randomly across the battlefield. If a player steps in one, they are rooted and take physical damage over time for a set period of time. If Elkevir steps in one, he is stunned and takes increased damage for a short period of time.
  • Ability hunter cobrashot.png Barbed Arrow — Shoots a random player with a barbed arrow, dealing physical damage and inflicting a bleed effect for a short time.
  • Inv pet pettrap02.png Final Gift — Upon death, the trapper drops an additional Irontooth Trap.

Mythic Changes

IconSmall WickerGolem.gif Hawthorne Marksmen
A Heruli archer who appears from the brush near the edges of the woods, taking aim at Elkevir.

  • Ability trueshot.png Hawthorne Arrow — Aims a mystical Hawthorne arrow at Elkevir, firing it after a few seconds. If the arrow makes contact, it wounds the beast in accordance with the ritual, releasing a surge of primal energies which deals a burst of arcane damage to all players and applies Ritual Wounds to Elkevir. If the boss is hit by 5 Hawthorne Arrows, the beast dies according to the ritual, exploding with primal energies, killing all players. Players can block the arrow themselves before by standing in thew way of the shot, taking a burst of damage and increasing the damage they take from Hawthorne Arrow for a period of time.
    • Spell druid swarm.png Death Throes — If Elkevir reaches 5 stacks of Ritual Wounds, it dies in accordance with the ritual, detonating into a surge of energies that obliterates all players and empowers the Heruli's next Wild Hunt.