User:Blueelectra/Chaotic Illusion (Aggramar EU)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2018-04-28

AllianceChaotic Illusion
Server Aggramar Europe
Guild Leader Blueelectra
Levels 85
Type PvE
Accounts 37
Armory Chaotic Illusion Armory

Welcome to Chaotic Illusion! So what is Chaotic Illusion or CI for short? CI is first and foremost a home of trust and friendship, Our core players are made up from long standing friends who have stood together for many years. It is a place that we value & a place some of us think to call a second home.


CI started many years ago near the end of Vanilla WoW it was created by a few members from an infamous guild called "Unseen Legion". CI raided throughout the burning crusade expansion in which it had good progression on 25 man instances. At the end of the burning crusade it was becoming clear many members/officer needed some RL timeout, So the guild was put into deepfreeze and has been frozen in time throughout the expansion know as the wrath of the lich king.

To fill out an application go to our Recruitment webpage For more information you can contact one of our officers Blueelectra, Mystia, Vampi and Redvelvet in game.

Cataclysm Guild Progress

10 Man Normal mode

  • Blackwind Descent: 5/6
    • Magmaw
    • Omnitron Defense System
    • Maloriak
    • Atramedes
    • Chimaeron
  • Throne of the Foru Winds: 2/2
    • Conclave of Wind
    • Al'Akir

Burning Crusage Guild Progress

25 Man

  • Black Temple:
    • High Warlord Naj'entus
    • Supremus
    • Shade of Akama
  • Serpentshrine Cavern:
    • Hydross the Unstable
    • The Lurker Below
    • Leotheras the Blind
    • Fathom-Lord Karathress
    • Morogrim Tidewalker
    • Lady Vashj
  • Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit:
    • Rage Winterchill
    • Anetheron
    • Kaz'rogal
    • Azgalor

  • Outdoor Raid Encounters:
    • Doom Lord Kazzak
    • Doomwalker

Guild rules

Raid rules

As a guild we do raid a variety of instances and always try to have fun. We believe that as long as were 100% focused where it counts then we can have a healthy balance between doing whatever is required to get the job done and enjoying our favorite game!

We are currently raiding Cataclysm instances.

  1. All raids are open to Raid Members. To become a Raid Member, you must be a Guild Member and signify that you accept these rules.
  2. Raids are arranged for times and dates preset by Officers which will usually always be the same everyweek. (Please see Raid Times & Loot Rules)
  3. Raids will be posted up on the Calender system 3-5 days before the Raid. Only confirm yourself if you are 100% sure you can make it, if not use Tenative for not sure/Standby or decline if your sure you cant. Whisper an officer if you get stuck.
  4. To attend raids, raid members will be invited by officers. Please note that this does not guarentee a place in the raid. All Raids have class requirements for successful completion. This will dictate how many of each class is required and this is why the Raid list is split between classes and order of sign up.
  5. If after signing up, you can not make the Raid, please post on forums or whisper and officer in game saying so.
  6. All Raid Members must use Ventrilo, deadly boss mods and essential addons for your class. All CI raid member's should have this installed regardless of rank.
  7. While we dont as yet make it a rule to have your main character's off-spec raid worthy, I would also say if you do have a viable raiding off-spec that has sufficient gear then please let an officer know as we will record this down and may come in great use if we need to achieve the perfect raid setup.
  8. Arrive early for your raid! Where possible log on 10-15 mins early before start of set raid time, This allows invites to be thrown out, Officers to organize groups, Getting to encounters entrance and everyone to hit the ground running as soon as the start time has begun!
  9. If you turn up needing repair, without the correct equipment, consumables ,you may be omitted from the raid.
  10. The Raid signup indicates the duration of time that the raid will take.
  11. Do not sign-up knowing that you cannot stay for the full duration as you are taking a spot from someone who can. If you can only make a specific timescale then please let an offier know beforehand or post in the forums.
  12. You shall always listen and obey the Raid Leaders instructions. During the Raid, he is incharge. Having said that we are always open for suggestions and any constructiive feedback is welcome.
  13. If you have a comment to make then please whisper an officer or the Raid Leader. If it is of a delicate nature and can wait untill the raid has ended then please whisper an officer and inform them you would like a chat after the raid.
  14. If you need a break then let the Raid Leader know and set yourself to AFK. IF you are AFK for longer than 10 mins then you may be be removed from the raid and replaced.
  15. Always read up on relevant tactics and watch "how to" videos before joining a raid. Remember the 7 P's: Prio Planning and Preparation Prevent Piss Poor Performance.
  16. Class's/Specs are ever evolving so make sure whatever character you bring to a raid that you are fully aware of the capabilities it has and you have practiced enough to fullfill the role you signed up for.
  17. During looting, please keep the Raid Channel and Ventilo clear otherwise errors could happen. Officers will have dedicated people in charge of loot, where possible we will continue to clear trash while loot is distributed. Any loot disagreement's will be sorted out with anyone involved at the end of the raid.
  18. Do not lock yourself to non official 10 or 25 man Raids without permission. Locking yourself limits a Raid Leaders choice if there are not enough people for the intended target & remember 10 & 25 man raids have the SAME lockout!.
  19. If you ever use a pug still value the above, Chaotic Illusion is more than your guild name its OUR reputation, negative feedback from outside guilds will be listened to and dealt with if necessary.

Chaotic Illusion Raiding Times

Wednesday: 20.00 - 23.00 Thursday: 20.00 - 23.00 Sunday: 20.00 - 23.00 (All raiders are expected to arrive at least 10 minutes early for smooth start times)

The above is current our raiding days/times and is all based on WoW game time, These may be subject to small changes if we feel its required in the future but will always give prior notice far in advance of these changes. Raiders are expected to attend the majority of raids & raids will always stop at raid finish times the only exception to this rule is if we are so close to downing a boss, In that event we will always give a /vote to see if all our willing to continue for a few more minutes.

A night where no raid is scheduled may still have other events at any time eg old raid content, pvp, meetings, social events, These other events are non mandatory but we do encourage as many as possible to join these events help build our team spirit and strengthen our bonds.


For further enquires regarding our guild and recruitment, feel free to contact one of our officers in-game:

  • Blueelectra Guildmaster
  • Mystia Officer
  • Vampi Officer
  • Redvelvet Officer