User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Fall of the Burning Legion

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World of Warcraft: Fall of the Burning Legion.
Sargeras and the Legion.jpg
Sargeras sends his Demonic minions to charge upon Azeroth.


After the many defeats of the Burning Legion, Sargeras makes his final attack on Azeroth and Outland. Heroes of the Horde and the Alliance must defend Azeroth from destruction, banish the demons back to the Twisting Nether and finally put an end to the Burning Legion.

World of Warcraft: Fall of the Burning Legion , is the fifth expansion for World of Warcraft. Set primarily in the world of Azeroth, on Outland, other legion controlled planets and eventually Argus, the main base of the Burning Legion.

Overview with expansion changes

Player level cap increased from 90 - 100.
  • New continent: Argus. Including eight new zones: Flatland Highlands, Swamp of Misery, Rek'hilan Mountains, The Shroud-Spire, Legion lands: East, Legion Lands, West, Lushocin, Sargeria.
  • New races: Horde Ogre, Alliance Mogu
  • New Faction: Tempest Guardians, [The Pantheon]], Ebon Rise
  • Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland and Northrend being completely changed by the Legion's invasion.
  • New Dungeons and Raids.
  • New PvP content, including regular and a new outdoor Battleground.
  • New Hero Class: Demon Hunter, Necromancer and Spirit Walker.
  • Last Stand Talents: Unlocked at level 100, this is used to unleash the destructive fury for any hero that has been granted the power.
  • New Profession: Craftsman.
  • Cap of all professions increased to 675 and introducing all new patterns and recipes for each profession.
  • All new unique mount skill introduced.
  • Guild leveling system revamped (Recently changed): Guild levels, achievements and perk's removed.
  • New major cities: Established upon Argus.
  • New unique quest story lines: Live into old lore and experience a whole new way to live into the quests around the world.