User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Athaniar Sunreaver

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HordeAthaniar Sunreaver
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Title Archmage
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Class Archmage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sunreavers, Sunreaver Onslaught, [[[Kingdom of Quel'Thalas]], Horde
Former affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Archmage of Quel'Thalas
Location Isle of Thunder, Pandaria
Status Alive



  • Spell arcane arcane02.png Arcane Bolt — Deals 300,000 to 450,000 Arcane damage to the target.
  • Spell arcane blink.png Blink — Teleports the caster 20 yards forward, unless something is in the way. Also frees the caster from stuns and bonds.
  • Spell arcane blast.png Arcane Blast — Blasts the target with energy, dealing Arcane damage. Each time he casts Arcane Blast, the damage of all Arcane spells is increased by 50% and mana cost of Arcane Blast is increased by 150%. Effect stacks up to 4 times and lasts 10 sec or until any Arcane damage spell except Arcane Blast is cast.
  • Spell nature wispsplode.png Arcane Explosion — Sends out a blast wave of magic, inflicting Arcane damage to nearby enemies.
  • Spell magic lesserinvisibilty.png Mirror Image — Creates 4 copies of the caster nearby, which cast spells and attack his enemies. Lasts 1 min.
  • Spell nature starfall.png Arcane Missiles — Launches magical missiles at an enemy, inflicting Arcane damage.
  • Ability mage timewarp.png Time Warp — Warps the flow of time, increasing melee, ranged, and spell haste by 150% of all nearby allies. Lasts 40 sec.
  • Spell mage altertime.png Alter Time — Alters the fabric of time, causing the caster to return to his previous location before 12 sec and regain his full health and mana.