User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Aradun Angerforge

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AllianceAradun Angerforge
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Title Grand Marshal, Sorcerer-Thane
Gender Male
Race Dark iron dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 90
Class Paladin, Mountain King, Sorcerer
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Dark iron clan, Ironforge, Alliance
Location Shrine of Seven Stars, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Alive
Relative(s) Thane Angerforge
Mentor(s) Ragnaros

Grand Marshal and Sorcerer-Thane Aradun Angerforge a level 90 dark iron paladin , mountain king and Sorcerer. Before he joined the Alliance, he served Ragnaros. In return, Ragnaros empowered Aradun with his essence of fire. After the death of Ragnaros and the return of Moira Thaurissan to Ironforge, he also joined the Alliance.

Azok's Abilities

  • Spell arcane starfire.png Stoneblood — The caster's blood turns to stone, purging all hostile effects.
  • Ability thunderbolt.png Stormbolt — Inflicts 27750 to 32250 damage to an enemy and their surrounding allies, stunning them for 4 sec.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind — Deals 70687 to 79312 damage every 1 sec to surrounding enemies but slows movement speed by 50%.
  • Spell holy divineprovidence.png Shield of Light — Absorbs 600000 damage, rendering the caster immune to interrupt effects.
  • Ability thunderclap.png Thunderclap — Damages all nearby enemies for 32375 to 37625 Nature damage and slows attack speed by 20%.
  • Spell paladin executionsentence.png Execution Sentence —  A hammer slowly falls from the sky, causing between 454636 and 643843 Holy damage over 10 sec.