User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Anandor Deathwalker

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Anandor Deathwalker
No image available
Title Champion of the Ebon Blade, Champion of the Lich King, Magister
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Undead)
Level 95
Class Death Knight
Affiliation(s) Quel'Thalas, Horde, Knights of the Ebon Blade
Former affiliation(s) Undead Scourge, Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Champion of the Ebon Blade
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Relative(s) None he knows of
Mentor(s) Instructor Razuvious, Sylvanas Windrunner, Lady Liadrin, Anasterian Sunstrider
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Anandor Deathwalker is a notable death knight of the New Horde and Quel'Thalas. In life, Anador was a valiant defender of Quel'Thalas, and took to the field during the brutal Scourge invasion. Eventually, he survived but extremely wounded and exhausted. Later on, Anandor became a blood elf as most of the high elf survivors. While Prince Kael'thas and group of blood elves journeyed to Outland, Anandor continued to safeguard the Scourge-infested elven homeland from further threats, and sought to find a cure for the sin'dorei's magic addiction within the borders of Quel'Thalas.

Anandor's contempt led him to personally volunteer for a radical new project of the magisters: draining the light directly from a captured naaru, named M'uru, whom the blood elven scion Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider had sent back home to Quel'Thalas. . Originally nothing more than a being of great power to sate their magic addiction with, a magister named Astalor Bloodsworn was dissatisfied with this notion. After much studying and experimentation with his fellow magisters, he was finally able to devise a radical new method of transferring the light itself - against its will - to individuals who had not "earned" the right to wield it. Thus, the sin'dorei found themselves capable of wielding the light once more. Anandor was successful in harnessing its light-imbued power, and thus became one of the first of the Blood Knights.

Under the leadership of Liadrin herself, Anandor mastered the new power he gained. After the rebirth of the Sunwell, he became a powerful magister and powerful blood knight. Later on, he was mysteriously killed and was promptly reanimated as a powerful death knight under the Lich King's sway.

Along with many other death knights, Koltira broke away from the Lich King's grasp when his free will was restored to him at the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel, and he joined the newly-formed Knights of the Ebon Blade under Highlord Darion Mograine.

Anandor's Abilities

Phase 1

  • Spell shadow deathcoil.png  Death Coil:Anandor fires a blast of unholy energy, causing 63535 Shadow damage to an enemy target.
  • Spell deathknight empowerruneblade.png  Plauge Strike:A vicious strike that deals 1200% weapon damage and infects the target with Blood Plague, a disease dealing Shadow damage over time.
  • Spell shadow animatedead.png  Raise Dead:Anandor raises a ghoul to fight by his side. He can have a maximum of five ghoul at a time. Lasts 2 min.