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This article is a player character biography page for Arimahn the Justicar of Sisters of Elune US created by Arimahn.

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Arimahn the Justicar
Faction Alliance
Gender Male
Level 21
Race Draenei
Class Paladin
Talent Spec Protection
Professions Mining and Skinning
Realm Sisters of Elune US
Guild ~

Before the Crashing of Exodar

Arimahn was a renowned mage during his time in Argus before the corruption of the eredar, though when Velen rallied the few vigilant eredars remaining, Arimahn quickly doused his interests of sorcery. When the newly formed "draenei" discovered the naruu, Arimahn found the power of the light and became a paladin. Whilst hiding from the orcs and the Burning Legion within the Zangarmarsh, Arimahn spent most of time as a vindicator, looking out for his fellow people and doing whatever deemed necessary to keep them from the hands of destruction.

After hearing of the invasion of blood elves in Tempest Keep, the holy fortress of the naruu, the draenei went out of hiding in Zangarmarsh and managed to gain control of The Exodar, a sector of the keep. During the planeshift phase, the engine of the Exodar went haywire. Blood elves had sabotaged the Exodar, in which the ship began to soar out of control. The draenei attempted to escape the ship via pods, but some did not make it in time, and either died or survived the crash. Among the lucky few, Arimahn managed to enter a pod, though his pod's landing destination was altered at the last minute thanks to a blood elf saboteur.


Arimahn's pod had crash landed in the icy wasteland of Northerend, he did not awaken from the trauma of the crash until 2 days later. Unknown of his surroundings, all he knew is that he was alone, and that he could sense a great evil in the soil. Looking to remove himself from Northerend as fast as possible, he made use of resources and built a small boat, where he sailed off, praying to the Light and the naruu that they would guide him to his people.

Not knowing what the real name of Northerend is, Arimahn refers it as "The Cold Dark" (others usually don't know what he is speaking of when he says it)

New Home

Arimahn awoke in his boat on the shore of Azuremyst Isle. It is unknown how long he was asleep. Arimahn was fueled with faith and certainty upon further investigation of the island when he discovered the crashed Exodar. His story began here.