Up to Snuff

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NeutralUp to Snuff
Start Deeg
End Deeg
Level 10-30
Category Cape of Stranglethorn
Experience 2,900
Reputation +250 Booty Bay
-250 Bloodsail Buccaneers
Rewards 35s


Deeg in Booty Bay wants you to bring him 15 tiny heaps of Snuff.


Ah, the sea life. I ain't gonna say it's the good life, but it's my life.

When I get into port I like to find me a good bottle of grog and some high quality snuff. Nasty habits but what's a pirate without his vices, right?

So you can imagine how heartbroken I was to find out the herbalist here in town has gone and sold out of the stuff. Says his shipment got hijacked by those damned Bloodsail Raiders.

I bet a fearless <class> like you could convince 'em to share the goods, eh?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Any luck finding the goods, matey?


Good show, <name>! And just before I need to ship out too! Can't thank you enough, old friend.


  1. N [10-30] The Bloodsail Buccaneers
  2. N [10-30] Bloodsail Treachery
  3. N [10-30] The Baron Must Be Told
  4. N [10-30] Details of the Attack
  5. N [10-30] Getting In With the Bloodsail
  6. N [10-30] Seeing Where Your Loyalties Lie
  7. N [10-30] Your First Day as a Pirate
  8. N [10-30] Swabbing Duty & N [10-30] Cannonball Swim & N [10-30] The Bane of Many A Pirate
  9. N [10-30] Attracting Attention
  10. N [10-30] Ol' Blasty
  11. N [10-30] Drive-By Piracy
  12. N [10-30] The Damsel's Luck
  13. N [10-30] Making Mutiny & N [10-30] Sinking From Within & N [10-30] The Brashtide Crew
  14. N [10-30] Call of Booty
  15. N [10-30] Doublerum
  16. N [10-30] Return to Revilgaz
  17. Complete all of:
    • Revilgaz's quest chain
    1. N [10-30] Prepare for Takeoff
    2. N [10-30] The Final Voyage of the Brashtide
    • Seahorn's quest chain
    1. N [10-30] Seeking Seahorn
    2. N [10-30] Turning the Brashtide & N [10-30] The Damsel's (Bad) Luck
  18. N [10-30] Bloodsail's End

Patch changes

External links