Sinking From Within

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NeutralSinking From Within
Start Captain Stillwater's Charts
End Captain Stillwater's Charts
Level 10-30
Category Cape of Stranglethorn
Experience 3,300
Reputation +250 Booty Bay
Rewards 35s


Sabotage the Barrel of Grog, the Barrel of Gunpowder, and the Crate of Cannonballs.

  • Sabotage the Grog
  • Sabotage the Gunpowder
  • Sabotage the Cannonballs


The attack on Booty Bay is looming. You'll have to return to Booty Bay quickly and inform the Baron.

First, however, it might be a good idea to sabotage some of the pirates' supplies while you're still in their favor. The pirates keep most of their supplies belowdecks, spread out across the entire fleet.


You will receive:


You've set the pirates back several days' work. Hopefully this will delay their attack.


  1. N [10-30] The Bloodsail Buccaneers
  2. N [10-30] Bloodsail Treachery
  3. N [10-30] The Baron Must Be Told
  4. N [10-30] Details of the Attack
  5. N [10-30] Getting In With the Bloodsail
  6. N [10-30] Seeing Where Your Loyalties Lie
  7. N [10-30] Your First Day as a Pirate
  8. N [10-30] Swabbing Duty & N [10-30] Cannonball Swim & N [10-30] The Bane of Many A Pirate
  9. N [10-30] Attracting Attention
  10. N [10-30] Ol' Blasty
  11. N [10-30] Drive-By Piracy
  12. N [10-30] The Damsel's Luck
  13. N [10-30] Making Mutiny & N [10-30] Sinking From Within & N [10-30] The Brashtide Crew
  14. N [10-30] Call of Booty
  15. N [10-30] Doublerum
  16. N [10-30] Return to Revilgaz
  17. Complete all of:
    • Revilgaz's quest chain
    1. N [10-30] Prepare for Takeoff
    2. N [10-30] The Final Voyage of the Brashtide
    • Seahorn's quest chain
    1. N [10-30] Seeking Seahorn
    2. N [10-30] Turning the Brashtide & N [10-30] The Damsel's (Bad) Luck
  18. N [10-30] Bloodsail's End

Patch changes

External links