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Unstable Servant

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MobUnstable Servant
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Race Voidwalker (Demon)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Uldum; Vision of Stormwind
Status Killable

Unstable Servants are voidwalkers summoned by Actiss the Deceiver in Uldum and by Zardeth of the Black Claw in the Vision of Stormwind.


  • Spell warlock demonsoul.png Fleeting Essence — Entropic energies pull the Unstable Servant apart, inflicting 5% of the caster's maximum health every 1 sec.
  • Spell shadow soulleech 3.png Unstable Eruption — Upon death, the Unstable Servant explodes inflicting 16 Shadow damage and draining up to 30 Sanity from all players within 6 yards of the eruption.

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