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Tymon Ascended.jpg
Gender Male
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 51-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Ascended
Location Bastion
Status Alive

Tymon is a kyrian located in Bastion in Elysian Hold. When a Maw Walker arrived in Bastion seeking an audience with the Archon, they encountered Tymon in conversation with Phillios at the Aspirant's Crucible. Subsequently, he took part in the reception that the Archon arranged for the Maw Walker, who had decided to join the Kyrian Covenant, in honor of their efforts against the Maldraxxus incursion in Bastion.[1] Tymon would eventually become an ascended kyrian. And he would be present at the grand reception in honor of Adrestes becoming the Paragon of Devotion. During the event, he was seen in conversation with Phillios, discussing how they were still getting used to their wings.[2]


At Aspirant's Crucible

<Tymon appears to be deep in conversation with Phillios.>

You are always so stoic during your trials! I wish I could emulate that for my own. It is like my mind runs away with itself as soon as I am reminded of a troubling memory.

At the Grand Reception
Main article: The Grand Reception (quest)#Notes

Patch changes


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