Trouble in Podunk

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NeutralTrouble in Podunk
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 85 (Requires 1)
Category Uncategorized
Experience 850
Rewards 9g 40s


Rescue the sheriff.



We never paid no heed to Sheriff Blundy, what with his gettin' all up-in-arms at all times 'bout his "laws" and his "mis-de-meanors." But them dirty ol' McClintocks, and their cattle-rustlin' pappy up in Truckshaw ridge done had it up to here with the frequent incarcerations and trials and posse-gatherin' and dead-or-alive-wantin', and come this past week they done took the law into their own hands - in the most literal of senses - by haulin' up and hi-jackin' the good Sheriff. As you can see, our humble


Outlaws have kidnapped the sheriff!


You will receive:

  • 9g 40s
  • 850 XP

Patch changes

External links

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