Trixie Business

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AllianceTrixie Business
Start Carentan
End Carentan
Level 10-60
Category Tiragarde Sound
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Proudmoore Admiralty
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous A [10-60] Aged to Perfection
Next A [10-60] Carentan's Payment


Slay First Mate Trixie Tornsail.


Usually this is the part where I hand you the scroll and send you on your way.

Sadly, friend, these are unusual times.

How's a man expected to run an honest business dealing in highly illegal goods when the Irontide Raiders are shaking down good folk like myself?

I'm prepared to offer you a handsome sum - and the scroll for our shelled associate - if you rid me of the damnable woman who collects these tributes.

You'll surely find her at Harlan's table at the bar, getting drunk on MY gold!


You will receive:


Stay your hand, friend. If you harm me, you'll never find the scroll!


You actually did it? Color me impressed.

Criteria of


Speaking with Trixie


Yeah? Whaddaya want?

Gossip Yarr! Some brine-brained scalawag be sullyin' the good name of the Irontide Raiders! Just over there, behind that building!

Trixie goes behind a building.
First Mate Trixie Tornsail says: What?! <hic!> I'll teach 'em to badmouth MY crew!
First Mate Trixie Tornsail says: Where's the lily-livered scum who's insultin' <hic> the Irontide Raiders?!
Trixie attacks the player.
First Mate Trixie Tornsail says: Think ye can pull one over on ME do ya?! I'll <hic> run ya through!
On death
First Mate Trixie Tornsail says: Ye made me... spill... me drink...


  1. A [10-60] Aged to Perfection
  2. A [10-60] Trixie Business
  3. A [10-60] Carentan's Payment
  4. A [10-60] A Bad Deal
  5. A [50G3] The Long Con

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