Treatise on Forms: Ascended

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Treatise on Forms: Ascended.

Treatise on Forms: Ascended[77.97, 41.06] is located atop a drawer in the Tower of Tomes in the High Hollows in the City of Threads. Its contents can only be understood while under the effects of Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian. Reading it is required for  [Smelling History].



The "writing" of this book is a series of burns, slashes, punctures and strange scents that you lack the sensory organs to fully comprehend the meaning of.

While under the effects of Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian

Shortly after Queen Ansurek assumed control of the throne, she introduced our kingdom to our first new form in millennia.

The Ascended.

Using a process kept secret by Grand Splicer Izo, the Ascended are astonishingly fast, powerful, and cunning. They master many traits previously unattainable by other nerubians[sic] forms and are quite capable casters and venom wielders.

But for all their advancements, they suffer a shortcoming in their inability to sense scents. Their awareness of nerubians[sic] pheromones, perfected over long eons to assist in communicating with each other and dominating lesser insects, is all but non-existent.

Their ability to emit pheromones of any consistency or coherency is absent. This has caused a divide in the ranks of the Last Kingdom as many nerubians view these new Ascended as incomplete, or aberrations. They are alien in both physique and scent.

Yet our queen wills their existence, and thus it shall be so.

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