Translating the Journal (2)

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HordeTranslating the Journal
Start Jarkal Mossmeld
End Jarkal Mossmeld
Level 42 (Requires 37)
Category Badlands
Experience 350 EXP (or 2s 10c at level 70, 480 EXP at level 44)
Previous H [42D] Translating the Journal


Let Jarkal borrow the necklace. In exchange, he will translate the journal for you.


Droffers and Son Salvage aren't smart enough to restore the magic in the necklace, but I am. All I want to do is study the necklace so I can learn to make them myself. To do that, I will need your necklace. Let me borrow it, and in exchange for the time I get to study it I will translate the journal for you. While you are searching for the gems, I should have enough time to learn what I need to. It's a simple deal, and no one else will be the wiser. Whatcha wanna do?


You've thought about it, yes?  You're a smart <class> if you take this deal - you and I will get what we both want, and Droffers and Son Salvage will think they're getting what they want.


You know a good deal when you see one - I knew I could count on you. It will be just a moment while I cast a spell to quickly translate the human tongue into a form you will understand.  I am a troll of my word; ask anyone in the Horde about Jarkal Mossmeld.  Now, let's get this started...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. H [41] Necklace Recovery
  2. H [41D] Necklace Recovery, Take 2
  3. H [42D] Translating the Journal
  4. H [42] Translating the Journal
  5. H [44D] Find the Gems and Power Source
  6. H [44D] Deliver the Gems
  7. H [44D] Necklace Recovery, Take 3


Wait for Jarkal Mossmeld to finish his task in order to obtain the next step in the chain: Find the Gems and Power Source.

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