Translating the Journal

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HordeTranslating the Journal
Start Remains of a Paladin
End Jarkal Mossmeld
Level 42 (Requires 39)
Type Dungeon
Category Uldaman
Experience 2450 EXP (or 21s at level 70, 4800 EXP at level 44)
Previous H [41D] Necklace Recovery, Take 2
Next H [42] Translating the Journal


Find someone who can translate the paladin's journal. The closest location that might have someone is Kargath, in the Badlands.


At an impasse of sorts, you know that you will need the book translated into a language you can understand. There certainly are a number of people in the world who could do it; the closest location that might have someone who could, however, is the Kargath outpost in the Badlands. Perhaps that is a good place to start.


Mighty <class>, I know what you are doing out here in the Badlands.  I know you seek my gift of tongues.  You're after the parts to that necklace you found in Uldaman. Surprised?  Don't be - it's my job to know such things.  Instead, let's discuss what you're going to do for a translated journal.  Trust me - I'm the only one you'll find that can translate it. Better still, let me make you a better offer than Dran Droffers is, and it'll let you still complete your deal with them.  Interested now, yes?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. H [41] Necklace Recovery
  2. H [41D] Necklace Recovery, Take 2
  3. H [42D] Translating the Journal
  4. H [42] Translating the Journal
  5. H [44D] Find the Gems and Power Source
  6. H [44D] Deliver the Gems
  7. H [44D] Necklace Recovery, Take 3


At this stage, the Quest Log still shows -Dungeon- as the location. This is incorrect. Jarkal Mossmeld is on the second floor of the Inn in Kargath.

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