Trader Caelen

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NeutralTrader Caelen
Image of Trader Caelen
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Merchant
Location Forge of Fate, Dalaran
Status Alive
Companion(s) Desdemona (formerly)

Trader Caelen is a dwarf located at the Forge of Fate in Dalaran.


Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 9.1.0.

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.2.0.


Hey there, <name>! You lookin' to obliterate some gear? Maybe use some  [Obliterum] to make the gear you're wearin' more powerful? Then I'm your dwarf! Ask away!
Gossip How do I get Obliterum?
It's easy! You just take some crafted gear - you know, hats, rings, relics, flasks, that sort of thing - and you throw 'em right into this fella's little fiery mouth-area. Add some Blood of Sargeras, for fuel, and ka-pow! You've got Obliterum!
Y'see, those crafters are always usin' stuff like FELWORT, DEMONSTEEL, and CHAOS CRYSTALS to make their gear. Lots o' demony-stuff in that armor. Make the demony-stuff hot enough, and you've got Obliterum!
Gossip What can I do with Obliterum?
Once you've got enough obliterum ash, you can kinda sorta glump it together into a little ball. Then you just rub it onto your crafted armor, and the armor becomes stronger.
Gossip What happened to your donkey?
You watch your tongue! Desdemona was no donkey, she was a mule!
Anyways, I sold her for three Bloods o' Sargeras. I'm gonna make some boots.

Patch changes

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