Towering Exterminator

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MobTowering Exterminator
Image of Towering Exterminator
Race Mawsworn construct (Undead)
Level 62 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mawsworn
Location Korthia
Status Killable

Towering Exterminator is a rare elite Mawsworn construct located in Korthia. One of the objectives of  [Conquering Korthia], it has a chance to spawn after the conclusion of any other Korthia vignette.

It drops 50x  [Relic Fragment], ~14 rare-quality anima items (~500 anima), ~100-130 [Stygia], +150 reputation with Ve'nari, and 2-7g. It may also drop some  [Korthian Armaments], some cosmetic items including:  [Cold Burden of the Damned],  [Exterminator's Crest of the Damned], and  [Watchful Eye of the Damned]. Additionally, the  [Soul-Enveloping Leggings],  [Mawsworn Lieutenant's Treads],  [Sabatons of the Towering Construct], and  [Mawsworn Exterminator's Hauberk] are on the loot table.


  • Spell shadow psychicscream.png Cries of the Tormented — Fears enemies within 80 yards of the caster for 5 sec.
  • Spell shadow soulleech 2.png Effigy of Torment — The caster transforms into an Effigy of Torment for 8 sec, unleashing a barrages of explosions inflicting 40 shadow damage to all players within 5 yards of impact and decreasing all damage taken the caster takes by 30%.
  • Spell sandexplosion.png Smash — Jump to target location, damaging and knocking back enemies.
  • Spell warlock soulburn.png Soul Fracture — The caster shatters the soul of all nearby players, summoning a Soul Fragment for each player hit for 1 min.
  • Spell animamaw nova.png Tortured Stomp — Stomps the ground, inflicting Shadow damage to players caught in the effect.


When the event starts, the exterminator is announced with a zone-wide emote:

A powerful Mawsworn opens a portal into Korthia.

Spawn locations include:

Before actually spawning, a few waves of Invading Horrors and Invading Shades spawn. Loot them for their Relic Fragments! Much like Konthrogz the Obliterator, the exterminator itself scales up to raid boss-levels of HP, so bring a big group.

The exterminator will patrol in the direction of Keeper's Respite if players don't engage it unless it spawns at the Vault of Secrets. Once it reaches the respite, the exterminator meets its match in the Korthian Protectors guarding the entrance. They're not putting up with any of its nonsense and will unceremoniously destroy it.

Tracking quest

To check whether the Towering Exterminator has been killed today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64245))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, the Towering Exterminator has been killed today; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes

External links