Tormented Villager

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MobTormented Villager
Image of Tormented Villager
Gender Both
Race Human (Undead)
Level 30-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Admiral Taylor's Garrison, Spires of Arak
Status Killable

Tormented Villagers are human ghosts located at Admiral Taylor's Garrison in the Spires of Arak.


  • Spell shadow twistedfaith.png Ethereal — The caster is no longer of this world and is immune for 3 sec.
  • Spell fire elementaldevastation.png Incorporeal — Fades between this world and the next reducing damage taken by 99% for 3 sec.
  • Achievement halloween ghost 01.png Phantasm — Fades out of existance[sic] and appears behind an enemy.
  • Spell shadow haunting.png Spectral Strike — Strike an enemy from the spirit realm, inflicting Shadow damage and reducing their dodge by 50% as well as their armor by 25% for 6 sec.
  • Spell shadow coneofsilence.png Wail of the Restless — Knocks all nearby enemies back inflicting Shadow damage.

Objective of


  • My hatred... burns...
  • My spirit... is free...

Patch changes

External links