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Tomb-Raider Drywhisker

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MobTomb-Raider Drywhisker
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Gender Male
Race Kobold (Humanoid)
Level 72-82 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Kriegval's Rest
Status Killable

Tomb-Raider Drywhisker is a dire kobold located in Kriegval's Rest.


  • Spell fire felflamering red.png Flamestorm — The caster's candle bursts into flame, inflicting X Fire damage to all enemies and placing flames on the ground.
  • Ability butcher heavyhanded.png Ground Slam — Grabs the target and slams them into the ground, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Ability warrior intensifyrage.png Raging Tantrum — Knocks all enemies within 100 yards of the caster back. Increases the movement speed of the caster by 30% for 12 sec. Increases the caster's attacking and casting speed by 30% for 12 sec.


Main article: Kriegval's Rest#Walkthrough

Patch changes

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