To the Ruins!

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NeutralTo the Ruins!
Start Rannan Korren
End Rannan Korren
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 980
Rewards 2g 69s 15c
Next N [65-68] R.A.D. Anomalies & N [65-68] What the Enemy Knows


Meet Rannan and Lathos in the Ruins of Karnthar.


Are you interested in hearing about my invention, the R.A.D? No?

Well, I'll tell you anyway--because it found something.

Today it detected a HUGE SURGE of arcane energy from the Karnthar Ruins. Lathos thinks the Sundered Flame are to blame. It's the PERFECT opportunity to showcase the R.A.D.!

Wanna come? It's going to be awesome.


You will receive:

  • 2g 69s 15c
  • 980 XP


You missed it! We walked RIGHT into a Sundered Flame patrol.

Lathos SLASHED through them, but there were too many!

So, I started casting arcane explosions left and right... KAPOW! ZING!

Oh, but um, yes... the energy surge...


Upon accept
Lathos and Rannan walk out of the camp.
Lathos Sunband says: Protocol dictates I should take point as we enter the ruins.
Rannan Korren says: Protocol, schmotocol. The R.A.D. will tell us where the surge is and...
Lathos Sunband says: R.A.D. or not, we must be wary. As an officer...
Rannan Korren says: ...The Scourge attacked Silvermoon. I know, I know...
Approaching the duo at the ruins
Lathos Sunband says: Stop this instant! Reckless casting of arcane explosions is very dangerous!
Rannan Korren says: What? You don't like my J.A.M.?
Lathos Sunband says: Your... J.A.M.?
Rannan Korren says: Yeah, my "Jumping Arcane Maneuver."
Lathos Sunband says: ...


  1. N [65-68] To the Ruins!
  2. N [65-68] R.A.D. Anomalies & N [65-68] What the Enemy Knows
  3. N [65-68] The Expedition Continues!
  4. N [65-68] Worries and Validations
  5. N [65-68] Arcane Overload
  6. N [65-68] Running Out of Time
  7. N [65-68] A Looming Menace
  8. N [65-68] Friendship For Granted
  9. N [65-68] I Will Remember

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