The Expedition Continues!

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NeutralThe Expedition Continues!
Start Lathos Sunband
End Lathos Sunband
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 980
Rewards 2g 69s 15c
Previous N [65-68] R.A.D. Anomalies & N [65-68] What the Enemy Knows
Next N [65-68] Worries and Validations


Meet Rannan and Lathos by the tower.


An ancient site, an organization with inscrutable motivations--even Rannan's R.A.D and its analyses...

It all stirs the explorer in me.

We must discover more about what's going on here.

There are stairs to the south leading up to a tower. We shall press on.


You will receive:

  • 2g 69s 15c
  • 980 XP


These Sundered Flame did not die by my hand... or by Rannan's "signature move."

They were dead when we arrived.

Rannan believes they suffered multiple traumatic wounds caused by arcane energy.

I agree with his observations. But it's unclear if it was the dragon console discharging or friendly fire...


Upon accept
Lathos and Rannan walk away.
Lathos Sunband says: In our next battle, please refrain from "J.A.M.-ing."
Rannan Korren says: You're just jealous you don't have a signature move.
Lathos Sunband says: I think my "signature move" is keeping you alive.
Approaching them in the upper area
Rannan Korren says: Whoa... what is that?
Lathos Sunband says: It appears to be a dragon console.
Rannan Korren says: Cool! Wait, how do you know that?
Lathos Sunband says: A sketch of one was in this week's expedition missive. Did you not read it?
Rannan Korren says: No... It's not supposed to be doing that, is it?


  1. N [65-68] To the Ruins!
  2. N [65-68] R.A.D. Anomalies & N [65-68] What the Enemy Knows
  3. N [65-68] The Expedition Continues!
  4. N [65-68] Worries and Validations
  5. N [65-68] Arcane Overload
  6. N [65-68] Running Out of Time
  7. N [65-68] A Looming Menace
  8. N [65-68] Friendship For Granted
  9. N [65-68] I Will Remember

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