To the Other Side

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AllianceTo the Other Side
Start Lucille Waycrest
End Lucille Waycrest
Level 20-60
Category Drustvar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Order of Embers
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [20-60] Break On Through
Next A [20-60] Storming the Manor


Open the Eastern, Southern and Western Gates in Upper Corlain.


It looks like the coven is using Corlain as a base of operations. There's no way we'll be able to cut through this many of them without the rest of the Inquisitors.

They must still be stuck behind the wall.

<Class>, there are three smaller footmen gates along the walls into Corlain. See if you can get them open so our allies can make their way through.


You will receive:


What news of the other inquisitors?


All here and accounted for?

Very well, we've no time to waste. We must ride to Waycrest Manor!


Pick up A [20-60] Hexecutioner and A [20-60] Ruinous Rituals before heading out.

Just inside, the Corlain Citizen's Journal starts A [20-60] The Fall of Corlain.


Inquisitor Sterntide says: Blasted witches and their barriers!
Inquisitor Sterntide says: Thanks for the assist.


Inquisitor Mace says: A little help, here?
Inquisitor Yorrick says: Your alacrity is appreciated, <class>. We will convene with Miss Waycrest.


Inquisitor Notley says: There you are! Mind lending me a hand here?
Inquisitor Notley says: Thank you, <class>! I was not looking forward to meeting the end of a pike.


  1. A [20-60] To the Other Side & A [20-60] Hexecutioner & A [20-60] Ruinous Rituals
  2. A [20-60] Storming the Manor

Optional followup chain:

  1. A [25-50D] Waycrest Manor: The Fallen Mother
  2. A [20-60] Everburning
  3. A [20-60] House Waycrest

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