Ruinous Rituals

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AllianceRuinous Rituals
Start Marshal Everit Reade
End Marshal Everit Reade
Level 20-60
Category Drustvar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +150 Order of Embers
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [20-60] Break On Through
Next A [20-60] Storming the Manor


Kill 4 Blighted Horrors in Upper Corlain.


Take a look in the city square, <class>.

<Marshal Reade gestures toward a ritual being performed by some disciples in the distance.>

It appears the coven has gone beyond dark constructs, and are now conjuring creatures of nightmare with their rituals. Let us not wait to see what these monsters are capable of. We should put an end to them right here.

Fortunately, the disciples seem to focused on their spell to notice us. Maybe you can use that to your advantage.


You will receive:


Have the monsters been abolished?


I am glad we were able to stop those things here, before the coven could unleash them on Drustvar's unsuspecting citizens.


Pick up A [20-60] To the Other Side and A [20-60] Hexecutioner before heading out.

Just inside, the Corlain Citizen's Journal starts A [20-60] The Fall of Corlain.


  1. A [20-60] To the Other Side & A [20-60] Hexecutioner & A [20-60] Ruinous Rituals
  2. A [20-60] Storming the Manor

Optional followup chain:

  1. A [25-50D] Waycrest Manor: The Fallen Mother
  2. A [20-60] Everburning
  3. A [20-60] House Waycrest

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