These Colors Don't Run

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HordeThese Colors Don't Run

Banners in corpses
Start Durotan [19.7, 44.8]
End Durotan [43.3, 23.5] / [27.1, 33.9]
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 13850
Reputation +250 Frostwolf Orcs
Rewards 11g 80s
Previous H [10-40] Gormaul Tower
Next H [10-40] Deeds Left Undone


Use 8 Frostwolf Banners on Bladespire Ogre corpses.


Bladespire has been a plague on my people for many years.

That ends today!

Now to explain it to the ogres in a way they will understand.

If you still wish to help us, place our banner in the corpses of our adversaries.

Their courage will falter as they behold a field of Frostwolf trophies!

This is our way. I will meet with you ahead when you have completed this deed.


You will receive:




These are no ordinary enemies, yet you did not show any signs of weakness.


Thrall fending off an attack wave

On accept:

Durotan yells: I will ride ahead. Frostwolves, hold the tower. Igrimar, with me!
Thrall says: I will forestall any counterattacks by the enemy. Lok'tar ogar!

This is a target-rich area, full of brutes, boarbusters, and maulers. Along the way, Thrall has a little script event:

Thrall yells: Stand back!
A huge wave of ogres, boars, and ogron bear down on Thrall, but he winds up an attack to wipe them all out, before falling to his knees.
Thrall says: It seems the elements do not respond to me on Draenor as they do on Azeroth...
Thrall says: Go on ahead. Durotan awaits. I must catch my breath.

Enter the fortress and take a left to find Durotan, holding his a wounded Frostwolf orc in his arms.


  1. H [10-40] Den of Wolves
  2. H [10-40] Rally the Frostwolves
  3. H [10-40] Gormaul Tower
  4. H [10-40] These Colors Don't Run
  5. H [10-40] Deeds Left Undone
  6. H [10-40] Great Balls of Fire!
  7. H [10-40] The Butcher of Bladespire
  8. H [10-40] To the Slaughter & H [10-40] Armed and Dangerous
  9. H [10-40] Last Steps

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Lok'tar ogar, traveler.

It is a rare thing for us to allow outsiders to accompany us in an endeavor such as this. Consider it an honor.

If you still wish to help us, place our banner in the corpses of our adversaries.

Patch changes

  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-11-13):
    • Greatly increased the spawn rates for Bladespire Ogres and made them share tap credit.
    • Multiple players can now place a banner on a Bladespire Ogre if they had tap rights.
    • Characters now receive credit towards planting a Frostwolf Banner when they defeat or help in defeating a Bladespire Ogre with the exception of Bladespire Mauler, Chef, Boarbuster, Ogron, and Goresnout.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.

External links